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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. The question is, who is the right people? Something needs to be done because they are just stealing money from people!
  2. Cancelled mine as well, about 25 minutes ago. Fuck RLC and their BS!!
  3. 7:25 then it was under maintenance for 7 hours. People paying premium are sure getting their moneys worth. It's the biggest ripoff on the internet if you ask me!
  4. You all can say what you want to, but the way RLC has been handling they're business with this apartment, it has become the most boring apartment on RLC in my opinion!
  5. The apartment didn't go under maintenance for any interviews. It's easy to see that there was something else going on!! When it came back up the bathroom mirror was so fogged up, they were in there for a while. All girls in the process of getting dressed. Am I the only one that reads more into this than there is?
  6. Gee.....and I got blamed for putting out false information about Nora and the apartment and told that she was just rehearsing for a play or something. WTF is going on ????? No she was rehearsing for a play - or something - clearly. She had a script and read it over a few times. But Snaky may be right about the interview thing as it was about the time that they were to occur. Hmm .. the plot thickens .... Even if she was conducting interviews today, you don't start conducting them after 12:00pm! It just goes to show you how unprofessional RLC is!
  7. snaky, why is it that you feel the need to tell everybody to shut the fuck up? This is an open forum and people can express what is on their minds any time they want to! Do you ever have anything nice to say to people that don't kiss your butt on this forum?
  8. lol. It's even worse than that though. Seriously, he's an abuser. He has hit Zoya for real more than once but she can't seem to let him go. She just keeps trying harder and harder to please him. Zoya must have no self-confidence and that is sad! She is such a beautiful girl! I can't stand an abuser, wish I could get my hands on that son-of-a-bitch!
  9. Does anybody know exactly who was at the apartment right before it went under maintenance?
  10. I appreciate the vote of confidence, canito. But, I'm afraid I just don't know at this point. My gut is still telling me that she is not pregnant or Kiko would not still be using condoms when they have sex. But, it would just be a guess on my part and I don't want to pass on bad information. :( I do believe that something is going on that will change the "dynamic" of this particular apartment. It may be that Nora is leaving for some other reason or they could be doing something else in order to stop all the complaints. I'll let you know as soon as I feel confident that I have some valid information. Sorry I can't do more. She is not pregnant
  11. I agree with you laura92! As for the person that said I should think, there are probably more premium members than there are regular members! You like the other person I called out earlier, are the reason we have to tolerate this kind of behavior from this messed up RLC team!
  12. Every CC member should send RLC an email letting them know how outrageous this is!! It is just a bonus apartment. So we have nothing to complain about... Bonus apartment my ass! I don't care if it's a bonus apartment or a regular apartment or what! What they're doing is wrong and should not be ignored. You are one of the people I'm talking about that lets this kind of business happen! I promise you that if every member of CC wrote them an email explaining how wrong what they're doing is, it would get their attention. I guess it's just too easy for people to sit back and do nothing!!
  13. What you see now is all you're going to see. Lev is a control freak and it's because of him you haven't seen more of her already. He will not allow her to show us anything.
  14. Every CC member should send RLC an email letting them know how outrageous this is!!
  15. RLC is going way down hill these days!!! We know Veronica and Lucas are leaving the project and it also appears Alina and Anton are moving as well. That will be two apartments off the list soon. The way it is going, they might as well all leave! On a second note, that is one cute little redhead that is visiting Carina & Sabrina! She has a dynamite body!!!
  16. You are correct, but that will never happen because there is too many people that thinks it's ok and warranted!
  17. So how long has it been under maintenance? I'm going to send them an email and need to know.
  18. Can anybody tell me exactly how long this apartment has been under maintenance this time?
  19. This is unbelievable to me! I can't believe this apartment is under maintenance again! RLC should have to pay every subscriber at least a couple of months dues!!!
  20. I honestly think there was no hankie pankie at all! That's exactly what I'm talking about. If you noticed both their legs were together and on opposite sides of each other, in other words they were not intertwined with each other. I don't believe either of them have long enough arms to give one another pleasure. Just the way I witnessed it.
  21. I don't think she is leading the guy on at all! I think the nights that she stays away from the apartment, she is banging the shit out of the guy! She is not a stupid girl at all and knows how to play the game. Do you honestly think that when she showered with Nora and Coco and bathed with Nora and Coco, that she didn't know how to play the game? She is a player and it is obvious how she conducts herself around the apartment!
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