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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. This is the only thing that makes sense to me. She did take her top off in the bedroom. So, I don't think it's the nudity that bothers her. It's the sex itself. 2 other quick thoughts: 1) She had to have told him multiple times that she would not have sex in this apartment. So, if he made the choice to come home with her anyway (or to come over as he did tonight), then he knew that she didn't want to do it there and he went there hoping to change her mind or because he just wanted to be with her and cuddle, etc. 2) Milana told him in English when he first got there tonight that she had a "flight to catch in the morning" so she wanted to take it "easy tonight". I don't think that she is leaving for good yet, but it is possible. You make some good points here; However I do have to say that she asked him to go upstairs way before the buzz kill got there and he turned her offer down. I'm not really sure which one of them is hesitant when it comes to being intimate with each other! At any rate, there is a love there it appears and that might account for the NO sex part at the apartment. Who knows!!
  2. I am excited about the two dark haired guest that have been visiting and staying with Nina & Kira. I think they are both really shy but sexy at the same time. I wish Nina & Kira would go on a vacation and let those two cat sit for them. I think maybe after a week to 10 days they might become comfortable to explore the wild side with each other. I for one would really love to watch their two guest have sex with each other. To me, they are both sexy/hot as hell!
  3. Correction to that,only 4 are happy it seems,lol That's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are LMAO!
  4. I know none of you are looking at her eyes in those photos, but look how swollen and puffy they are from all the partying and lack of sleep! Such a pretty girl to start showing the swollen eyes at a young age which will lead to crows feet when she gets older!
  5. Man I wish I knew what you are trying to say, the translator does not help me at all.
  6. It is not the guys fault here. He tried, started rubbing and playing with her boobs and she said no. I believe that she has said no every single time they have slept together in the apartment. I personally don't understand it myself. We have seen her naked several times, so I think it is the sexual act that she is uncomfortable with in front of the cameras. Maybe she is not that good at sex, just lays there or something like this.
  7. Body not good either You guys are some picky people! Coco is not ugly at all and her body is very nice!
  8. He just arrived there a little over an hour ago. Nothing has transpired since he has been there, what you see is it.
  9. I hope that is what was said They didn't look amused, they locked up in one bedroom and were whispering because Nastya was in the bathroom. Very interesting indeed
  10. Like someone else has already said before, it looks like the phone conversation was her rehearsing the lines to a play or something like it. Last night she was in bed working on memorizing a script, she kept reading over it numerous times. Now with that being said, I'm not ruling out the fact that something else isn't going on with her possibly moving out of the apartment. The closets in her room are looking pretty empty of clothing, nothing like they used to look. Maybe RLC is getting ready to make the apartment a part time apartment where girls come and go every month or two and will have no supervision unless it is by phone or email, just a thought.
  11. I made my post at 8:40 my time when it just went under maintenance and they are 6 hours ahead of my time zone at the moment according to the time on the apartment in the top left corner of the screen. Just seems this apartment is under maintenance every 3 or 4 days. Digital Cameras can't be that hard to operate. Goes out mostly just before something important is about to happen. I agree StnCld, and that shouldn't be happening. I'm not going to say anything else about it, it is just something we are going to have to accept and put up with!
  12. LOL it really sucked if you ask me! RLC just wouldn't be the same without CC in my opinion.
  13. They didn't stop working for me until 15:39 their time. I watched CoCo come downstairs in her white nightie and open the front door and went back upstairs with the front door open. I kept waiting to see if anybody was going to come in but nobody did. About 30 to 45 seconds later Milana went down stairs in the robe she is wearing now and went to the open front door, stayed there a few seconds and then went back upstairs. Very shortly after Milana went back upstairs, Kiko comes inside in a hurry and flys upstairs, I hear a few does opening and closing and that's when cams 1&2 finally went out for me. It was weird!
  14. 8:40 am E.S.T. Cams just came back online. I was wanting to know when they stopped working on their time
  15. Does anybody know when cams 1 & 2 stopped working for them?
  16. Cams 4 to 10 are not accessible at the moment Another waste of money!
  17. Does anybody besides myself, find it odd that Nora and Kiko have not had any sex this entire weekend? It only tells me that Nora has been visiting him away from this apartment.
  18. Suzan, you do not disgust me at all!! I think you are a beautiful woman, but what does surprise me it that you stay with that guy you are with. I know your a long way from me, but i would go out of my way to take care of you given the chance!
  19. do u have a pic? No sir I don't, but I'm sure the ones that capture the pics do. I don't capture anything myself, so when CC was down for the weekend I was lost!!
  20. I can believe that about Nora, but I have a little difficultly believing it about Kiko. He just doesn't look like a sharp tool... he looks like too many things have to be explained to him. He's been seen writing code. He knows photography and theater operations. He's not a stooge like many of the other dudes have been. There's no big hidden secret here; likewise Paul is far more intelligent than the casual CC member imagines. Plus, Kiko drinks decent red wine, hangs with literary people, never beats his woman, doesn't get drunk and disorderly, and treats his woman with respect. In return, she doesn't chase him around with scissors and knives, she doesn't play around with other men on RLC, and she loves him. I consider these qualities to be virtues, especially when it happens at RLC. We've seen some real losers here on RLC, but N&K are not in that batch. Very well said Mr. Squirrel
  21. Her name isn't Coco, Milana was calling her Alina before RLC put this ridiculous name It's stupid as CHIT, but they gave her that name because she like's her CoCo!! She get's her name from the song that they are always singing at the apartment! LOL get it together people :)
  22. I'd rather see her being taken care of by one of her girlfriends!
  23. The dark haired guest is starting to become one of my favorites! I just love her dark haired vagina and smaller boobs with those pointy nipples. I really like her body, it excites me :)
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