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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    how old nastya can have? she look a little bit more mature than the others,i give her between 25-30
  2. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    yes but depend if the actual members have pressed the rec button or not,alot of time there is not the complete scenes in the archive
  3. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    she like suck that dick
  4. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    i have the temptation to renew but my budget is already close for this month i can't,i will renew problably the next month
  5. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    and this fucking buffering start
  6. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    it would be good to have some light in the living room !
  7. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    if i remember good the first night nastya was here they was 2 guys with her and both tried seduce her (alex include)
  8. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    just another potential fucker for marna
  9. clivebb


    i predict kojak and alex will stay here for waiting the next two new girls coming,just see the face of kojak make me nervous i can't see him anymore
  10. clivebb

    Tula - Split 4

    i understand nothing,i think alex and nastya was not a real couple before join VV,i am surprised to see nastya fuck with another guy,and now what is the future of dubna ! dubna is a total fail,this couple alex/nastya was formed the first night they was on vv
  11. clivebb


    wtf this blonde have a strong character
  12. clivebb


    they arguing right now
  13. si je me met à parler en français ici il va me demander de parler en anglais je perd plus de temps avec ce genre de personnes j'ai pourtant pris la peine de mettre le nom de mon pays sur mon profile c'est dingue qu'en même les emmerdeurs qu'il peut y avoir sur ce forum.les non anglophones font l'effort de parler en anglais pour que tout le monde comprennent mais non çà suffit même pas y-en aura toujours un pour t'emmerder il est dans ma ignore list c'est plus simple comme çà. bref revenons au topic sinon y-en a d'autres qui vont se mettre à râler je connais trop la musique ici
  14. may be you prefer i speak in french just for you ! just another troll on this forum, +1 in my ignore list
  15. she have her blood period or what? exept the first night no more sex here just blowjob
  16. i am not sure it's a good choice to have bring boobie and lou here,the future will tell
  17. till some members continue say" oh my baby irma" oh my wife irma" there is no reasons for this come back stop,i think irma have the record of the come back,i hope she will be gone soon forever and never see again her ass on rlc,same think for this boring danaya.let see new blood and don't fall in the facility mister rlc !
  18. clivebb


    look like the recording not working for the cam 5,no sign of videos in the archive with this camera
  19. again this eternal come back with "belle" now,i am glad to be not member on this site,this site turn like an infinite circle with this all come back
  20. clivebb


    kojak is gone? i hope yes,he is a cock blocker for alex/nastya
  21. clivebb


    something weird,when i click on dubna appartment the cam 7 don't load but if i click on the cam 9 and after on the cam 7 the cam 7 work,just super weird
  22. clivebb


    VV have switched the free cam to the cam 9 kitchen,this is the only free cam there is right now,not more free cam on the couch.
  23. @Voyeur House TV: hi,can i have the reasons for why natasha is gone? it's her choice or it's VH have take decision to kick her out? (maybe not enough clicks...) it was one of the most cute girl on vh,sad to see her left
  24. clivebb


    his tied up obsession scare the girls i think,what a idea to have brink back kojak! VV have really the shit in the eyes
  25. what horrible camera quality with this cam 4 in bedroom seriously
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