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Everything posted by clivebb

  1. the best petition we can do it's send email every day to support for complain about vika/bf for they stop go in laundry room for fucking and for rlc kick them out
  2. she can dance don't worry,we will see soon who is the best dancer ! she will continue dance soon but in ukraine
  3. lol,and now vika is in bathroom and wash her panties after just finished fucking. what are you doing nora ! come on call vika or text her for she stop that shitttt
  4. fucking bullshit,again sex in laundry room,we can hear good on cam 10. rlc have answer me today,we have apologize for the inconvenient,lol my ass they continue go in laundry room for fuck
  5. yes,it's sure,if i had a girl just beside me in my bed with this body,i will fuck her during all the night and the cameras will be not a problem for me, so i go make a tour on cam site for finish good my night and i go sleep,see you tomorrow all
  6. vika have make a sign with her eyes to him on laundry room direction when she was in the hall and she have closed the door in her bedrrom just after,that's make no doubt for me, what you want doing during 25 mn in laundry room at 1 am ! and i have hear some moan too
  7. the 1st may,that will do one month for vika here,with what she have doing this night,i'm curious for see if rlc will renew her contract for another month
  8. they can hidding with the cover if they are shy,i don't have problem with that but not going in laundry room with no cameras,it's not possible. chloe/josha have doing that too and some days after they was kick out,i hope that will happen with vika/bf too,i wait a reaction of rlc !
  9. putain je fais me faire un café sinon je vais explosé,incroyable à quoi on a assisté encore ce soir, à croire qu'ils sont pas au courant qu'il y a des cameras avant de venir
  10. surtout pensez à leur envoyer un email pour leur notifier ce qui c'est passé ce soir sinon rlc fera rien. et voilà ils sortent comme si de rien n'étaient,furieux egalement
  11. yes winnlove,more guys will send email to support and more we have chance vika/bf stop that shitttt.we pay for reallife not for hidden life plus nous seront à envoyer des emails au support pour se plaindre de vika/bf qui vont baiser dans la pièce sans cam et plus nous aurons de chance qu'ils arrêtent cette merde, faut arrêter de se moquer des membres comme çà serieux
  12. no doubt they fucking in laundry room,i have just hear some moan on cam 5, i send email to rlc support,fuckkkkkkkkk that shittttt
  13. vika start to be sad and desesperate with him,come on guy go drink a vodka for relaxing and enjoy your vacation in barcelona
  14. normaly in czech republic like suzan/hector,probably in prague city too, katka/lenka was here some months ago
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