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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. Hmm kinda right there she really is an exhibitionist.. i have been watching them for a while and damn.. she's all out there,, but whats the deal with him? Is he abusive to her?
  2. Hahahahahaha... om goodness.. and i still did not subscribe.. well my eyesight is still intact but if it went well.. Alex nice one
  3. Thats ok.. however.. its not all nudity with me, great lingerie is awesome on the right body though... love it.. Stella daaaaaayum that ass
  4. Dude.. totally agree with you there.. when Stella came .. like whoa.. say whaaaat! hell yeah.. for me she just makes its for me as Irma does...
  5. Stella's first shower when she came the last time was an 6-8 hand shower she was covered in body paint and all the girls... kindly showered her down... literally... ohhhh my
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