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Everything posted by adamneve

  1. All the girls look stunning and he looks like a...well like he has just come from a day shift sweeping streets!!! Party = make the effort to dress
  2. Hmm I saw Stella's double yesterday crossing the road in front of me.. she turned smiled... daaaaaayum that ass too
  3. I just do not get it!!!! Zoya nekked busting 1 out... and Lev in the lounge with tablet....!!!!.. watsup with this guy.. he has a babe seriously wanting to be pounded and he seems oblivious!!!
  4. Stella without makeup..fit..Stella with make up fit Stella with clothes fit Stella without clothes fitter...Stella doing anything.. soo fit.. daaaayum that ass..so high.. so tight..... even in that orange dress..
  5. I wonder how Anna feels being back massaging in the bed where the legendary Irma/Anna massage took place?.. she seems to be coping well
  6. I just got back from a massage meeting. Our guest was a mass. therapist form Hong Kong and.. wow she was awesome. Amazing teaching and so technical with Chinese and Japanese techniques...
  7. Ok.. Am i missing something.. or seeing something!! Are Polya and Stella being totally ignored??
  8. So is that why Anna was crying? " waaaaaa..why did they send me away from Barc2?..." hmm I wonder..
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