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Everything posted by timber

  1. This is the main thing for me. These apartments work alright when they have someone who can turn them into a fun place instead of just a house full of girls isolated in their rooms. That's the characteristic I think RLC should prioritize in determining which girls get brought back. If the apartment is actually fun and they're having semi-real parties where people are getting drunk and interacting, then the chances of seeing interesting things go up for every tenant there. But if it's just forced awkward events where everyone is clearly counting the time until they can leave, then it's going to be dreary for the viewers and the participants. I don't think it's an easy thing, it requires someone who both wants to do it and has the charisma to get other girls to buy in. Damira's a good example, and there have been a few others. Unfortunately RLC instead seems to favor bringing back the girls who give reliable shows regardless of their impact on the overall apartment atmosphere. So all too frequently we get the Blairs and Monicas of the world, who will perform their routine but contribute very little to making the apartments fun (in Blair's case I'd say she often actively detracts from it). And those girls frequently seem to stay forever.
  2. It's amazing how much they've fucked up the lighting and cameras with all the Christmas lights in this apartment. All the rooms look like dark blurry caves most of the time. Hopefully whoever replaces Loraine & Blair (that has to happen soon, right?) removes all of that shit. It's the middle of February...
  3. Tina: "You made the 'party' boring!" Monica: "No, it was your fault!" Elettra: "Why is Kim still here? Shouldn't she have been kicked out by now?" Tina: "I don't know, it doesn't make any sense!" Irma: "Why are the replay rankings full of couches?" Kim: "Beats me, but clearly next 'party' we're all going to have to dress up as furniture. They'll love that." Everyone: "Blyat!" RLC Viewers: "Cyka Blyat!"
  4. So just to review since CC was down, Kim disappeared for more than 24 hours yet again yesterday and today. She's now disappearing 3-4 nights a week, often for 20+ hours at a time. But not to worry, when she eventually came back she had a 'party' in her room where nothing at all happened and not a drop of alcohol was consumed. Why is she still here?
  5. She's new I believe. But it seems like she wants to be a tenant. And based on her first 24 hours, she'd be a big improvement over a bunch of the current cast.
  6. Looks like she was just taking a nap so that she could head out again tonight... 🙄 She's sure made great use out of having the whole top floor to herself. What a joke.
  7. Of course she is. Just as I'm free to take a nap at work and then tell my boss to go fuck himself when he wakes me up and asks what I'm doing. But then he's also free to tell me I might want to look elsewhere for employment... 😄
  8. Looks like Kim snuck out again to spend the night somewhere else. Has any girl ever regressed as drastically as this on her 2nd visit? I can't see any reason why she deserves a 2nd month, but RLC haven't exactly been quick on the trigger recently...
  9. Pretty sure smoking weed in private isn't illegal in Barcelona.
  10. Her last stay definitely had more intensity to it. She seems mostly bored this time around. Half the time she's masturbating or doing a show with another girl, she seems more interested in whatever movie is on. I'd guess some of that is because she lost her show partner at the start of her last stay and then was angry at Sofie and determined to compete with her. This time she's just running through the pre-planned routine and it's all going smoothly, so there are no surprises and it's all quite predictable and boring. Even for her. Also B4 probably makes it worse. It's so isolated that there's nothing to intrude on the monotony.
  11. Monica & Ginger gave them some competition for worst show of the evening with the fake 'fingering'/thumbnail posing nonsense they were doing at the same time. And of course, those four are the only four doing anything at all other than watching movies or sleeping. A wild Saturday night on RLC. 😄 Edit: it's too bad because IMO Loraine is gorgeous. But it's so obvious that she's getting no actual enjoyment out of whatever their doing during the shows that it makes it unwatchable for me.
  12. Kim to bed a little after 9 PM. What a complete waste of a room she's been so far. She's done absolutely nothing, which is bizarre given how active she was during her first stay. I guess she's another girl who decided to see how much she can game the RLC system on her 2nd go round?
  13. Starting with whoever does the management and casting. It's unbelievable to me that Aria is in her 5th month despite being a mediocre to poor tenant (significantly worse than last time around). And the rest of the apartments are basically just girls watching 2 or 3 movies each night and disappearing for ~24hrs if they actually want to have fun. The Damira/Anabella/Sara/etc cast did more in a couple days than this entire cast does in a month...
  14. Yeah, the only reason I can think of for why she's still here 4 months(!) later is that Nora/Barcelona management are really lazy and haven't bothered to find a replacement for her yet. Obviously there's no visa time limit since she lives in Barcelona year round, but she's barely even pretending to live in the apartment anymore. She's gone most days and a fair percentage of the nights. And the only things she does in B2 are sleep and occasionally try to awkwardly crash one of the already awkward Blair/Loraine shows.
  15. The only vague bit of suspense in this apartment is how many movies they'll collectively watch each night. Monica & Milena seem to knock out at least 3 every night. Even when they're doing their awful shows, they're usually more interested in the movie on the laptop. Who knows? Maybe one of the new girls will end up being a good tenant, but the odds are stacked against them since the returning girls seem to have no interest in creating a fun environment.
  16. Yeah, I think we now have pretty convincing evidence that the Russian apartments were very important to RLC's success. For all the talk of how Leora and the GOV apartments dominate top-cam/replay, RLC has seen a massive drop in site traffic (and presumably subscriber count) in the 6 months since the Russian apartments closed. If the majority of viewers/subscribers were here for Leora & the GOV apartments that shouldn't have happened. After all, you still get to see those places and the price has been cut in half. That seems like a great deal. You'd expect the viewership to hold steady or even increase. Instead, it's fallen from ~39 million visits in June when the Russian apartments closed to ~12 million in November. That's pretty crazy. And I think it's a good indication that what gets watched the most on a day-to-day basis may not be the same thing that keeps people coming back to the site month after month.
  17. My memory from her last stay is that her shows with Monica were pretty bad. Lots of fake fingering/belly-button licking/etc. Which is a pretty huge turnoff for me. However, later in her stay she did plenty of shows with other girls where nothing was faked. So the faking may have been more due to Monica than to her (or possibly just because it was early in her stay and she got more comfortable later). She also brought a guy to B4 and there was no hiding. So I'd say she's more in the Anabella/Megan/Alla/etc vein of tenants than the Sofie/Monica one. I doubt she's staying this time though. I think her stuff would be in the other room by now if that was the case. Which is fine with me. I wouldn't mind seeing her come back, but I'd rather it wasn't when Monica was there.
  18. It didn't sound like he lives in Barcelona. It sounded like he was coming to visit. And as I said, I believe this was the guy she's been talking to on the phone ever since she got there. Edit: but yeah, 60 days would be more than enough for me. It's a shame, I think Milena is quite attractive and she was at least interesting in her last stay. But she's done nothing at all so far this time. And Monica has never been my cup of tea, too much of a Sofie imitator for me.
  19. 🙄 Why does arranging to meet someone at a hotel automatically equal prostitution? I think the conversation was with the guy she frequently talks to in English. What their relationship is I don't know (or particularly care). That said, I'm no fan of the do-dumb-shows-in-the-apartment-and-then-go-to-a-hotel-to-actually-hookup pattern that Monica & Milena seem to be following this trip. So I hope they either change their act or their stays are short.
  20. She had a conversation on the phone a couple of nights ago where it seemed like she was planning to meet a guy at a hotel, although it wasn't clear when. So I'd guess that's where she is.
  21. I think he's someone from home who she's dated/fucked before. Whether he's her 'bf', who knows? She hasn't acted like she's in a serious relationship (compared to say Evelyn or Milena with their constant phone calls), so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a lot more casual than that.
  22. I have no idea whether this happened, but it seems pretty irrelevant. 'Alla' obviously isn't her real name, so if he knows her from home then he knows her by her actual name. It wouldn't be too surprising if someone had to remind him of her fake name.
  23. Don't think it was ever going to the next level regardless. It's too early in Monica's stay. She seems to be very intent on recreating the Sofie plan. This month is bates facing the wall or wearing panties, and g/g shows that end mysteriously like someone just pulled a plug. Next month she'll show a little more and maybe the g/g shows will actually go somewhere (though perhaps not, that might depend on Milena). And the third month she'll be back at the same level she was at the end of her last stay. Kind of a bummer, we already saw her do it once. It would be nice to be surprised instead of just seeing a shot for shot remake of the last stay. And just resetting back to the full 'shyness' at the start of each stay just emphasizes how artificial and planned it all is. But hopefully I'm wrong...
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