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Everything posted by timber

  1. I guess she was just briefly visitiing to pick up a toothbrush, hair dryer and other toiletries for an even longer absence. 🤣
  2. Nadia decided to show up after a day and a half spent elsewhere yet again. Now we get the most exciting activity B2 has to offer: talking about things that happened somewhere else. The vacation apartments as a whole are in pretty bad shape right now. B2 just has Nadia's sexual encounters that happen once every 5 or 6 weeks. B1 has Sambuka's antics. The villas are almost totally dead except for tired bate shows.
  3. She's probably just on house arrest since she was gone all of last week. I'm sure she'll pack a bag and disappear again soon. The real problem with this place is RLC's dickless management. Azura's room has been empty for more than 3 weeks with no replacement in sight. If it takes them that long to fill an empty room, then even tenants who spend most of their time living elsewhere like Tani can stay forever since RLC can at least pretend their rooms are occupied.
  4. Yeah, I think they've hooked up once since she appeared during this stay. But when she lived with Fiora in the old Carla & Yanai apartment he was there a lot. Maybe also when she was in B1, but I'm not sure about that.
  5. You're aware that Lacrim is Harley's ex, right? That's how he appeared on RLC in the first place.
  6. Tani dropped off by her fuck-friend after a week absence, and immediately goes to hide in the garage. Hopefully she's just there to pack her shit, her stay has become a complete joke by now. The only question anytime she visits B4 is whether she'll mope about for 1 day or 2 before she leaves again. RLC management look like total clowns letting this continue, but they're probably used to that by now.
  7. They've been alright as a B5 couple, not amazing, but fine. However, at this point they spend way more time partying off-camera with Tani and her fuck-friend then they do partying in B5. Take the last 4 or 5 days for example. And their on-camera parties were never particularly interesting and have gotten very boring and predictable over time. Beyond that, they do very little in the apartment other than lying in bed and watching tv, But most importantly, they've been in B5 for a fucking year. That's way, way too long. Especially for a couple that has grown less interesting, less active and less present over time.
  8. If they're going to keep her for some reason, they should have moved her to the crap shared room. That way her roommate could have a private room for most of the week.
  9. That almost always means she's leaving for another 2-3 day absence the next day.
  10. Yeah, I'd be down for her replacing Tani. Or Timur & Tereza if she wants to join with the bf. Way past time for them to move on.
  11. I have faith in the villa girls, if they try hard enough they can achieve something that's never been done before: all of them can be 'on vacation' at the same time. They're pretty close right now, but they keep leaving 2 or 3 girls moping around the apartments. Might as well just embrace it and all leave.
  12. It's just the same old dumb Milena tease shows again. If Lubna is going to be an almost total non-participant 5 days a week due to her other jobs, I was hoping her off days would be more interesting. It seems like the actual sexual activity in this apartment might be limited to hearing them talk about what happened off-camera, unless Nadia starts bringing her bf around again. Still early days though, so hopefully it improves.
  13. I don't even understand why people think she broke it off with the bf at all? She went into town overnight a couple of times last week, like normal. I assume she was seeing him. I heard Dylan ask about her bf when she came back from one of those absences and she told him her bf was an angel.
  14. She's been talking about leaving for weeks. Approximately 2 weeks ago, she decided she was going to leave and even notified RLC. Then she changed her mind. Apparently she changed her mind again. As far as I could tell from what she would tell Dylan, she was basically debating whether to go home and try and make things work with the bf or end things with him and stay on RLC. She seemed to make a different decision each day. She told Dylan that she was done with the bf and not answering calls/texts one day and then spent the entire next day sobbing on the phone with him. She seemed pretty confused. I imagine her absence was a trip home (I believe she lives elsewhere in Spain) and during that trip she decided she was going to try to make things work with the bf. And then she just wanted to leave as quickly as possible once that decision was made. I imagine he also didn't want her hanging around for too long in the villa.
  15. She started renting out her room on airbnb for the 4-5 nights a week she's gone. (it's Lilith)
  16. Sounds like Lubna has a busy work schedule, but she could be a handful for the time she's in B2. I like the English conversation a lot, they both speak it very well. And they both seem like very open people which is nice.
  17. I can't think of who she would be talking about recently. Maybe this is some story that Milena told her in an attempt to sell her on doing tease shows instead of bringing her bf over?
  18. Nothing wrong with that. I'm more likely to post when I'm annoyed by something than when I'm pleased with how RLC is going, which is probably a personal failing. In general I like Nadia as a tenant, so my post wasn't meant as a 'kick her out' message. And she's not the most extreme example anyway. But it's something I hope RLC management gets a handle on, especially if they're going to add more local girls.
  19. Just got back home, thanks. Meanwhile, you're the most frequent poster in this thread. Feel free to take your own advice. I like all 3 of the girls I mentioned, though I think Tani should have moved out a while ago. But that doesn't mean I think it's a good idea for RLC tenants to be splitting time living in the apartments and living elsewhere. There's a difference between going out and having another apartment you live in part time. And the more local tenants they recruit the more likely it is for that to be an issue.
  20. RLC currently has a girls-living-elsewhere problem. Tani spends most of the week in the apartment her bf/sd rents for her in Barcelona. Nadia is gone for 36-48 hours fairly regularly and is likely staying at her old apartment with her bf. Sambuka similarly vanishes for days at a time. The most basic requirement of being an RLC tenant, in my opinion, is actually living in the RLC apartment. I'm all for recruiting local girls, but RLC needs to make it clear that they actually have to move into the apartments and live there, not just visit for part of the week.
  21. Whether or not Zara and Anthony were hiding in the garage (the door opening at least sounds convincing to me), it's pretty clear that they've been sneaking around off-camera for the past few weeks. I imagine that's only going to get worse if Anthony is staying in Barcelona. I also wouldn't be shocked if he moved out specifically so that they can have an off-camera place to hookup in. For me it's time for Zara to go. Her show got old during her last stay and she's offered nothing more during this one. Sneaking around off-camera with Anthony is just the cherry on top of a very boring routine, and makes it pretty obvious that she's never going to do more than the lame bates and dances.
  22. On one of his previous visits they were talking about the curtains in their apartment and things like that. So I'm pretty sure he's her bf and they have an apartment together. I imagine that's where she is on the nights she's gone from b2.
  23. Two day work week over and she's packing to leave. Find a new tenant who actually wants to live in the apartment.
  24. This is just wrong. Megan's previous bf visited frequently during her last 3 stays on RLC going back as far as 2018. And there were many early tenants just from B1 who had boys visiting: Milana, Coco, Sara, Vika (speaking of guys who made the apartment worse), Jenny, Lima, Polya, etc. Guys visiting was way more common in the early days than any sort of girl/girl show. Those were pretty much unheard of back then. B1 opened at the very end of 2014. If we're discounting Nora for some reason, Milana, Coco & Jenny were all there a few months after it opened and had guys stay over.
  25. Yeah, sure. And that's something to be worked out among the roommates just like in any other communal living situation. I've lived in apartments with roommates before, and it was incredibly common to have bfs/gfs spend the night or stay for a few days if they were long distance. Obviously some consideration of your roommates is necessary if you have a guest, but so far no one in B1 seems to be having any issues. Compare Shantal now to when she was living with Mariam and whatever the other girls name was. Back then she stayed shut up in her room and barely interacted with them at all. Now she hangs out with Megan frequently. She went out with Megan and her bf the other night, eats with them, sits on the couch with them. I really fail to see the problem. Maybe one will develop, I could definitely see the other girls getting annoyed with Sambuka's late night sexathons for example, but I think it's entirely up to them to decide whether it's an issue.
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