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Everything posted by timber

  1. It's always wonderful to see Sera get back from yet another overnight party binge and still not manage to have a single ounce of fun in the apartment. This place is so grim now. Elmira goes straight to her room and to bed as soon as she gets home. Britney seems like she could be fun, but she has nothing at all to work with in the other two. But hey, at least you can watch Sera do her nails for the 18th time this week.
  2. Tereza was a tenant without Timur on her first stay in B1 (they weren't dating yet). She did absolutely nothing and everyone hated her. It's always funny to see people say he's holding her back given that context.
  3. Friends with Amira and co. She's been on RLC a couple of times and not done a whole lot.
  4. You seem to have a real problem with other people having opinions. And you seem like kind of a dick. If you actually bothered to read any of my (few) comments about Kristy, you'd see that what I complained about was the non-stop, cynical clickbait shows for 11 months. I hate that shit, and it's disappointing to see someone who was such a great roommates tenant do it. This party (and yes, bringing a bf back) seems way more like the old Kristy. So if this is a change to the more normal version of Kristy we saw in Moscow, great. If she just goes back to doing a cut-rate Sofie imitation with Monica after this, then that's unfortunate.
  5. Nice that it finally came after 11 months. As I've said before, I'd be happy if the old Kristy is back. We all know what she's capable of. That doesn't mean the 11 months prior to this somehow don't exist either though.
  6. You're so right, this exactly how all of Kristy & Monica's dumb massage shows end....
  7. Lot more than Esmi, that's for sure... 😄
  8. Just delusional wishful thinking IMO. Kristy's doing the exact same dumb, boring massage show with Taylor that she's done repeatedly with Monica and with 10 other girls this stay. Hell, it's pretty much the same dumb show she was doing with Kamila all those years ago. Taylor might want more, but I doubt that matters. And it's quite probable that Taylor is also aware that they're just doing a clickbait show for views. Kristy is weird. I loved her roommates apartment in Moscow. It was pretty much the complete opposite of everything she does in the GOV apartments. There were no shows. She brought her actual friends over. There were great parties. She brought her bfs home instead of hiding them off-camera. But in Barcelona pretty much all she does is very cynical clickbait shows and she keeps her actual social life almost entirely elsewhere. And even by the low standards of cynical clickbait shows, hers suck.
  9. It's weird, every time I read this thread there's a different person being blamed for Esmi not doing anything. It's been Loraine, Kristy, Zabava, now it's Zabava's bf. And I'm sure I'm forgetting or missed a few. She has the biggest & nicest room in the apartment. It has a door. She can close it. Nothing's stopping her from being naked or in her underwear if she wants to be. Elmira sure seems to manage with no problem in a much smaller room.
  10. I'm sure Kristy gave some strawberries the time of their life last night during the UM.
  11. You're right, it definitely would have been different than the 9000 other completely pointless massages Kristy has taken part in during this stay. Someone wake me up when she and Monica finally leave....
  12. Your English seems excellent to me. I didn't even guess it wasn't your first language.
  13. Trading Esmi coming home at 4 am and sleeping for Zaba having sex on camera seems like a win for RLC subscribers to me, but I guess everyone is different.
  14. Wasn't she going out most nights before Zaba moved in?
  15. Just another in the seemingly endless line of Kristy & Monica 10 o'clock clickbait shows. Maybe they're worried that they're next on the RLC chopping block (hopefully they're right). That might explain the move from badly pretending they might do something with each other to badly pretending they might do something with Samson. Hopefully RLC finds an actual tenant for this room soon. B4 actually being fun again might make me resubscribe.
  16. She's figured out the secret of a long stay on RLC: spend as little time in the apartment as possible and don't answer your phone when RLC calls. That way they can never catch you and tell you it's time to leave.
  17. What in the idiot show is going on in B4 right now? The thumbnails are a little blurry, but it looked to me like Kristy was sacrificing Monica in some sort of pagan ritual. Seems sort of extreme, but at least it might free up that bedroom.
  18. Sounds like it. Good that she decided to do something new this time around. Maybe she can give the B4 girls a pep talk.
  19. I'm not a subscriber now (thankfully), but if I have it right the current returning girls in the GOV apartments are: Polya, Monica, Kristy, Nelly, Leia? It would be difficult to pick a worse group if you intentionally tried to make it bad IMO. I loved Krsty's roommates apartment, but for me she's always been mediocre-to-bad in the GOV apartments. Endless dumb massage and tease shows. Not much else other than the occasional bate, and plenty of nights elsewhere. And the others are worse. Leia was alright in a couples apartment but does almost nothing on her own. Monica is a less interesting, more calculated version of Kristy. Polya's last stay was one of the worst I've seen on RLC. Constantly partying elsewhere and recruiting other girls to go with her. Almost nothing in the apartment. Maybe she's changed her approach in the years since then, but I wouldn't hold my breath. If they're going to bring back girls, why not ones that actually make an effort to make the apartments fun, social places? Why hasn't RLC ever brought Damira back for example? I like it when RLC is good, and some of the new couples apartments look interesting, but it seems like they've totally let go of the rope when it comes to GOV apartments. I've been looking at the free cams for the last few days to see if I wanted to resubscribe and all I see for the most part is empty rooms, a few bates, and regular uninspired, clickbaity massage shows from Kristy/Monica/etc. And even by the low standards of clickbaity RLC massage shows, those look bad.
  20. It was so refreshing he came back a whole new person. 😂
  21. I believe they're from Mariupol. I doubt they have anywhere to go back to.
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