When I go on Cam 1 in the appartement, did I see a lamp standing right before Michelles door? Looks dangerous to me. Or did my eyes playing tricks on me?
Welcome back. See the massage is still work. I like that. Hope, the laptop is now not so busy during her stay. Nice to see her again I feel good for Irma cause she have now someone who is talking with her.
Oh! My! Gosh!!! She is back! Ohmygodohmygodohmygod...! Welcome back Irma, my love. I hope, this stay will be better for you then the last. Im happy!!!
How will I find sleep tonight?
I had to apologize.
It was my fault, to want the pics uploading "in time".
Im not the best on computer, and dont ask about my english. :trashcomputer:
I will do better, so, please be have patience. I will bring them up on the right spot.
There is a laptop alone and forgotten under a christmas tree in Ilonas / Laylas appt.
Please HELP! He need to survive.
(The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
Thanks Frankster.
I didnt have any idea who is who. You helped me out.
And i agree with you . Getting a dark, sexy voice and looking good is not enough. Never mess with a partner.
Thanks a lot for this information.
@ Stncld318. Thanks for uploading the nice pics. Always the right time, the right place. Just great. Did you see that your Karma is now +666? Think you are a little devil, arent you? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Be carefull, buddy ;)