Thanks hollywoodmogul21 I knew you are very Intelligent person , you the only one make me understand what is Voyeurism , all this time I thought Voyeurism was you look secretly in there rooms watch them naked or the girls masturbating or so on , I knew something special about you man you must be a writer you are very good , you see all this time I use to argue in this forum why all this people watch RLM , now I know ,they all want to be psychiatrist, if this is real life people live like the way this people live I think it's very sad they all have wasting there life , how sad is when I see all they do nothing, not working they all bored , what I see in my opinion they all like slaves paying to Russian Mafia , the reason I say that I was watching all the rooms when I was paying to watch I didn't see any one to go work except few they left the apartment
Thanks again Hollywood now I know what is boring Voyeurism is , sit and wait 24/7 to see something Exiting to happen , by the way I have more fun at CC then RLM , CC is more interesting then RLM because I learned more about peopel at CC the RLM