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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Actually, we aren't hackers. Maybe a few are, but I think most of us are just preparing to get really, really bored now that everything is changing. We might need to keep you around, just to piss off people and create a little excitement. Otherwise, I'll have to follow In Hibernation's lead and take a very long nap... Squirrel you good man believe it or not I Enjoy CC better then RLMonastery there is more excitement hear then RLM
  2. yes BYE to to lazy bums :-)
  3. Now I see why you all pist at me :-) LMAO you all are Hackers LOL this is not porn site it's Hack site am I right or what :-) I love it
  4. way to go Bye Lazy bums :-) I will be happy when RL Monastery all live or get some Interesting couples
  5. Look, my friend, I am aware you are specifically designed to be annoying. Please do not confuse or misuse the words "THEN" and "THAN." Foamy is a very tolerant psychotic squirrel, but slaughtering the English language to such an extent ruffles Foamy's nuts. 8) Hey squirrel you right my grammar and spelling sucks I know that :-) I am trying to figure it out why bunch of adults try to record the losers and pay to watch them for what ,cane any one tell me why, I will shut the fuck up I wont stick my nose in there life then every one be happy :-)
  6. https://www.youtube.com/embed/pfxB5ut-KTs?rel=0
  7. now you all see why I don't go and watch RLMonastery they all losers
  8. you guys are so busy to solve the problem LOL don't you have any thing better , you all forget dam RL Monastery it's not worth it first of all why are you all trying to recorded all the losers, go any free porn sit you see better then RL Monastery
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoxouLsNnKM
  10. :-) me and tbg friends again I am very proved of him He took out US Flag out of pone site , by the way Squirrel I am nicest guy on earth and I cane be the worst guy to if someone pisses me of :-)
  11. what I think who pays and watch RL monastery they losers and they support RLC pimps, ore the Mafia, I think they all lazy losers
  12. http://blog.petflow.com/hands-down-one-of-the-most-jaw-dropping-things-ive-ever-seen/#MoCQGyfXQGJiD1sX.01
  13. My flag stands high and proud, 24/7 to. And it's well lit at night to, but not in porn site LOL, on Googel Earth you cane see how high is mine
  14. tbg150 Now I like you :-) you took put the flag out Thanks
  15. OK Nick, just so I know what I'm up against, could you just educate me on your dog tag number. See up until the late 1970s US dog tags had your ID number with the letters RA in front (as in Regular Army) or whatever your designation. However, seeing as it's not likely your a Vietnam Vet, you'll have the current issue, which is your social security number. So what's the US56.......... number or whatever it was you quoted? Please correct me if I am wrong. Seriously, don't want any fake Marines turning up when they come down south for training. The training down South is teaching them how to bend over to pick up the soap in the shower. if you know so much go chac with VA you find out what US567 stands for I wasn't in Marins I was in the Army
  16. First of all I was telling to tbg150 which I don't level with him anymore and this is my last answering your add and which I am not going leveling with you to, if you read my add I told him what years I served it was 1967-1969 , and you don't have to teach me what is RA-US-ER-NG, and I don't have to tell you what I did in the Army If I tell you I have to Kill you
  17. Wow, that must be a record. It states you've only made one post Aubrey and yet you managed to prove yourself a complete dickhead total fuckwit. Well done, I'm impressed, really! LOL, when a 3 is placed in front of a 1 then the number is thirty-one not one. He has made 31 posts. Innumerate dickhead total fuckwit...... Well done, I'm impressed, really! AspiringSixPack you have restored my faith in human nature. What with Aubrey and I agreeing on a couple of issues, me about to change my avatar to a warm and fuzzy boxing kangaroo to reflect the new me, when low and behold another fuckwit comes along. Check out Aubrey's history, that post that you quoted was his first, he's made 30+ since then. So yes 30 + 1 = 31, but that's now you dickhead. In fact I think he's probably up to 35 by now. You haven't impressed me yet fuckwit. So now I'll stick with the agro kangaroo, for a bit longer anyway. And seeing as we are back on this thread, it does appear that porn and flags at least don't offend. And just to show that I am a multi-cultural, equal opportunity crazy redneck with a gun, I found a piece of white trash desecrating the US flag, that I would also be happy to add to my list. Won't bother including the ragheads and their like, they automatically make the list. Get out of bed the wrong side this morning? My fucking oath I did. Yeah ok, he got it wrong, it was the guy's third post, what the fuck Pirate???? What's with the "fuckwit" and the "dickhead" and by extension what was with your reply to my first post? Granted mine was over the top, born out of frustration at a meaningless argument but another member brought me up on it far more compellingly than you did. Is the only meaningful contribution you can make to this forum based around winding people up? What's with the flag shit? Who the fuck mentioned flags or nations? Who cares how multi-cultural you are if you're just being a plain old c*nt? You are right, nobody mentioned flags in here but the fact that no one queried my post of All American Girl naked with the American flag is INCREDIBLE. I was sure someone like Nick was going to hide my body out in the wilderness somewhere, never to be found again. I wish we meat face to face tha's all I say to you now on you are my wrong side queer
  18. This is the story of the blonde flying in a two-seater airplane with just the pilot. He has a heart attack and dies. She, frantically calls out a May Day. "May Day! May Day! Help me! Help me! My pilot had a heart attack and he's dead and I don't know how to fly. Help me! Please help me!” She hears a voice over the radio saying: "This is Air Traffic Control, retired Marine fighter pilot, and I have you loud and clear. I will talk you through this and get you back on the ground. I've had a lot of experience with this kind of problem. Now, just take a deep breath. Everything will be fine! Now give me your height and position.” She says, "I'm 5'4" and I support Obama.” "O.K." says the voice on the radio...."Repeat after me: Our Father, Who art in Heaven.... ."
  19. It's back to the weak judicial system again. By the time these pieces of shit come before the courts the dogooders have stuck their noses in and all of a sudden the perpetrators are now the victims and we have to feel sorry for them and try and rehabilitate them. I agree with what you said before about victims growing into the next generation of molesters and that is a very sad state of affairs, but not much we can do to stop that outcome, unless we stop it occurring in the first place. I'm a strong believer in capital punishment. I've heard all the arguments for and against. One strong argument is that capital punishment doesn't stop people committing these evil crimes. I agree with that sentiment entirely, nothing probably would stop these sick bastards. But what it would stop is repeat offenders. How many repeat rapists and murderers are walking the streets? How many repeat child molesters and murderers are walking around with them. We have a serial rapist in our suburb, he is closely watched. His first victim was a 16 yr old girl, whose life he totally destroyed. He has been convicted of rape three times, but he now walks free. My solution doesn't save the first poor girl, but it would have saved the other two. We watch and wait. One day. If I was that 16 years old girl I will find him and shoot his legs that he can't run away and cut his dick shove his ass and get drill , drill his eyes out one by one and rest of his body until he dies that's I think is justice
  20. i say build a lot less prisons and a lot more grave yards... or we could get boat load's of them,take them on a well deserved ride about 100 miles out into the ocean and Feed the fish.i dont know what it would cost to charter a real big boat, say a carnival cruise ship but it probably don't cost as much as keeping up all the scum in all the prison's that tax payers pay for. grave yards cost money Hang them publicly at time squarer and cute them Pisces and feed them at the zoo the lions tigers all the meat eating animals
  21. I love it LOL ........... I like to sit and watch this then Pay and watch RL Monastery to make them rich for nothing
  22. The Korean war wasn't viewed in such a negative way here, as we simply deployed assets already based in Japan, they didn't come from the mainland, so maybe it appeared a seamless continuation of WWII for us. Vietnam on the other hand was the same for us, similar treatment by some elements of both the public and the govt. As I've mentioned before, it was many years before a formal welcome home parade was held, as well as the vets banned from some RSL clubs, snubbed by their own brothers. We now still see some of the same shit over Iraq and Afghanistan. If you don't agree with the war, fine, protest the govt. but not the men and women sent over there doing as they were ordered and risking their lives. To me it's simple, if you don't want to sign up and stand alongside our service men and women, then you can either stand behind them and support them, or stand in front of them. when I agree I agree, this one I defiantly agree with you 100%, there are times I can't wait and give peas of my mind and I tale the way it is
  23. LMAO, Oh you remembered that I gave piss of my mind to her PimpNorasmum I don't take sheet from no one, I tale the way it is
  24. y usted no tiene nada mejor que hacer y ver a la gente sentarse en el sofá qué imbéciles y usted no tiene nada mejor que hacer que leer a los imbeciles , Es mejor estar en CamCaps luego sentarse y ver aburrido Monasterio RL, y veo en mi freno en el trabajo el número de idiotas emplazamiento y viendo Monasterio RL y la cintura hay dinero que LMAO
  25. y usted no tiene nada mejor que hacer y ver a la gente sentarse en el sofá qué imbéciles
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