took a screen shot once of one of the apartment and was banned the day after. had to explain that i didnt know about some rules and that taking a screen shot would go this far
well looks like she cant get any drunker. if they were smart they would take those awful shoes off before she break her neck trying to get up and walk in her present state
is layla gone or going? all her stuff in the closets are gona and dayana seem to have taken the room
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funny how the way illona way to dress or lack of has changed since she got there. no more bare naked walking all day in the appartment. now she wear t-shirt and panty. guess shes a bit shy now to walk around naked around her
de toutes les maisons c est la moin interessante cote action a regarder si tu la compare a corina/sabrina . jaimais mieux regarder leur cam les 2 dernier jours a voir leur chicane de couple que de voir illona et layla a poil. je considere leurs cam la moin realiste de la gagne. illona a part s'ecarter les jamber et ce promener nue toute la journee a manger des orangesya pas grand choses d;interessant a voir