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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Rebecca had an early night last night, so maybe a late night tonight, but we don't know. Maybe.
  2. Those poor saps who follow Becca on webcam. Some of them probably spent £50 on tips and saw her smile and play with her hair for 3 hours. She comes off cam and immediately gets naked and is now walking around topless. We are definitely getting the better deal here
  3. What did you write to them? And what was their response? I would be interested to see their email
  4. I never noticed until now that Belle has another tattoo on her foot. Too busy looking at the rest of her
  5. Haven't you heard? I work for RLC! At least according to one member here. If i worked for RLC I would violate my contract just for one chance at violating Irma
  6. I would hope they're going out to party. Have a few drinks, come home tipsy, costumes come off and so on and so on
  7. Even if they did, Rebecca doesn't do her camming during 'peak' hours. If she wasn't doing that she'd be on her phone or watching TV. The camming, in my opinion, comes second to Rebecca to putting on a show for RLC viewers - for example she would never get on webcam if Belle was dancing in the room, she'd go and join in
  8. I don't mind it at all For one, she does much more for us RLC viewers than her webcam viewers. Most of them will have no idea that she has gone down on 3 girls on camera Secondly, if this makes sense, she is always on cam when she is on cam - she doesn't go out to the balcony or hide in the toilet to put on her shows, we can always see what she is doing Thirdly, this is not a 'development' - Reb has been doing this since she came the first time, and it has not hindered her performance at all. If you don't like it and don't want to pay for it that's fine, but in my opinion her webcamming does not negatively impact the apartment at all. I'm glad she'd finding ways to make money
  9. Rebecca fake typing on cam again. I'd like to know what her setup is, how this is a benefit to her
  10. No, Rebecca's decision to leave was her own. The conversation at the time was as follows, thanks to Kitek: 20:55 Talking to her BF [on phone] Brief summary of the conversation She wants to sleep. Talks about weather. Hours of flight arrival. Future purchases. She misses him. She says that when she left she thought that she goes for 2-3 months and month has not passed and she has already packed her bags. The excess baggage on the plane. She doesn't like life here. All the girls are fine but the last two days .... (???) [this relates to the days after the orgy night, when Dima was still in the apartment] Tomorrow will go shopping. They repeatedly send each other kisses. Ends the conversation and starts crying.
  11. For what it's worth, her boyfriend seems like a pretty OK guy. I doubt he has any stranglehold over what she's doing
  12. She obviously has a pretty low sex drive, but after a couple of months you'd imagine even Rebecca will be extremely horny. She's going to hit her boyfriend like a train when she gets home
  13. I'll also try to stay within the rules She wasn't on her cam site, I think it's more likely she was checking messages or maybe even a site like CamCaps! She was only in front of her laptop for 2 or 3 mins each time and there was no interaction with the camera of any sort. There's no other monitor on the wall, the glass extends further that you think and as you know, when it's dark glass is basically a black mirror - she was looking at herself dancing in the reflection. That's what Belle does too, and it's why they prefer that spot. I also don't think Rebecca looked as bored as you make out; although she's not a firecracker like Belle she had a look of quiet satisfaction on her face during a couple of her favourite songs (ones which she was singing along too.) She's just naturally a more reserved girl than Belle but clearly she feels some sort of responsibility to us the viewers, and I don't think it's fair to call that a sham. I certainly enjoyed it!
  14. Belle's contacts coming out, doesn't look likely. Unless she plans to get so drunk she doesn't want to worry about passing out with them in
  15. Rebecca is beautiful, fun, lovely. But there is only one Irma, she is unique. My plan is to marry her, in about 2 years
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