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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. Pretty sure Belle replaced Irma, and Lola came whilst Irma was still in the apartment. But it's not important I like Belle a lot, she's fun and sexy and spends a lot of time naked. But I don't get the same enjoyment from her as BB does, because I'm not as besotted with her. But there's no denying she's a fantastic asset to RLC and it's great to have her here. I probably like Jasmin a little more, because my personal opinion is that she's more natural, more down-to-Earth and a whoooooole lot more sexy. But not many share the same opinion, and that's fine. I'd like to see her come out of her shell more, but I'd also like a million pounds and I've dealt with the realisation that neither are likely to come true Complaining about the apartments doesn't get anyone anywhere. We all know that sooner or later both girls will be replaced and new girls will come. We also know that there are some months that are more exciting than others. And when new girls come there will be some who like them and some who don't. And the circle goes on and on This post doesn't really have a point, I just wanted to write something non-inflammatory haha
  2. No offence taken, but remember they are there of their own free will. They can leave at any time - remember Rebecca left earlier than she had planned, but then decided to come back
  3. Thanks Kitek. This sentence has not translated very well, did you get an idea of what exactly she meant by this?
  4. They hardly go out in the evenings either, not any more
  5. Tomorrow you would think, maybe it will be Becca's friend who arrives. She is good friends with a very lovely girl who is already very popular, maybe we'll see a return of an old favourite
  6. Goodbye Becca! I'll always remember you as the charming, down-to-Earth, likable girl with the beautiful smile and gorgeous hair. You are beautiful inside and out and I wish you all the best for the future! Oh, and you'll always be remembered as the first girl to go down on another girl in the Barca apartments! Not one, not twice, but three times! A legend!
  7. Becca with a friendly rub on her pussy just now, looks like she had something sticky on her fingers afterwards
  8. Spent the evening sexy dancing and then allowed Becca and Belle to give her a topless boob massage. Nothing major, but big steps for Jas
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