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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. I'm not so sure. In my opinion Megan was looking to experiment with Rebecca for a few weeks before that night, but neither of those two were involved with the drugs that night. I went back and studied my videos of the days leading up to orgy night, whenever they did a massage or mud bath Megan was always paying extra close attention to Rebecca, and I think the sexually charged atmosphere that night was the tipping point. Of course the atmosphere was because of the drugs, but like I said Becca and Megan didn't take any
  2. What makes you think Alex will stop coming when Irma leaves? Stella, the twins and Belle all seem to like him
  3. I am 99% sure she does not have a boyfriend in Brazil. If she said that earlier, it was to throw Alex off the scent
  4. She occasionally puts dissolvable tablets up there, and when she does that she wears a pad to stop any leakage I guess. Very unlikely she's pregnant, she has been drinking quite heavily (for her) recently
  5. Yes, some great sexy dancing downstairs. I know many people want to see more but I could watch Stella and Irma dance on each other all day
  6. Serious response: Stella is a fantastic dancer. She has danced on television Jovial response: They can dance on my 'pole' whenever they want
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