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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. She did once that I caught, but only under covers and with minimal movement. It was 100% a bate though
  2. Goodbye Danaya, and thanks for that night with Irma. Even if you weren't really 'into' it you still made a lot of dreams come true! Safe travels
  3. Holy shit! Let's get that Belle & Irma combo up and running!
  4. I think it's very likely not anything that you mentioned, but as Wathou said someone with Replay can grab it and send to translators if there's something interesting. Irma has only ever done softcore photoshoots and not for a few years, as far as we know. And she was not out of the house for long today before she returned. Angie in B2 is doing photoshoots when she leaves the house, but she is gone for many hours and returns with makeup which she washes off.
  5. I'm fairly sure that's Lia giving us the view right now, and she has the birthmark on her bum, so the whole MIA (Mark In Ass) theory is wrong
  6. Ooooh, never a fan of all boys schools. And I did like having female teachers. Our media studies teacher was about 22, tattoo on her lower back, liked to sit cross-legged on her desk. Total stunner
  7. We had a few cool teachers though, even if they weren't very good. Got totally stoned with two of them at our Summer Ball Our physics teacher was pretty cool. She told us about an experiment she did which went wrong and she burned a hole in her hand. They took a lump of flesh from her arse to fix it so when she held her hand up you were actually looking at her bum. Edit - wait that was chemistry not physics. She was still cool though
  8. Irma still struggling with her shoulder. A massage is great Stella, but I bet a finger up her arse would help her forget about the pain too
  9. My old English teacher used to pronounce it 'Hyper-bowl,' pissed me off no end. But she also said pacifically instead of specifically and alfa-alfa instead of alfalfa so fuck knows what she was doing teaching English anyway
  10. Irma's telling Stella about her mad tongue skills right now. Bloody hell mate I'd rather drink your bathwater than that piss
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