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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. It just hit me. There are identical twins washing each other's bums in the shower. Lol what the fuck, this is amazing
  2. Yeah she was out on the balcony a lot, but I'd hardly say that she short-changed the viewer. She did a hell of a lot more than most of the girls we've seen. I kinda think that anyone who just doesn't like her will jump on any tiny thing she does and just use it to reinforce their opinion, even if she puts on a fantastic show at all other times. She's been back less than 3 days give her a chance man!
  3. For real. Someone mentioned it the other day, Stella is the only girl to have had sex with both a guy and a girl whilst in Barca. She's the opposite of boring, she's a superstar!
  4. What's the opposite of schadenfreude? As in taking pleasure in someone else's pleasure? I just got a ripple of it thinking of BB's reaction on the inevitable day that he logs onto Camcaps and sees the thread 'Welcome Back Belle!'
  5. If you're leaving me girls which you haven't already got dibs on, then that sounds perfect. If you're giving me any 4 then Irma, Stella, Megan and Danaya
  6. You're seeing things mate. What you're saying literally makes no sense. And nobody agrees with you. Maybe take that as a sign
  7. She'll come good, no doubt about it. Remember last time she was rummaging through the drawers in her room and found Irma's kinky balls. She stuck them up herself without any hesitation! When Irma returned second time around she was very quiet for a few weeks until Ilona came back
  8. Give her time though, the Twins didn't exactly hit the ground running either but look at them now! And she's only had two nights back so far, one of which Irma was 'distracted' for.
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