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Everything posted by Benfold

  1. From the translations it was Nicole who said that she didn't have strong feelings for him, not the other way around.
  2. I'd say she looks very slender, Sia type of body, but we'll find out soon enough. I bet there's a few more tattoos under there
  3. Agreed, although it was also highly unlikely that we would have seen Megan involved in a lesbian orgy, and look what happened
  4. For the record I'm trying to be balanced here, but you have fanned the flames a little yourself, comments like "I won't comment on Nicole" and others are clearly little digs at her, But honestly, because you don't watch her you're wrong about what what you think she does or does not do in the apartment. Polya was absent far more than Nicole is, Nicole has only spent 2 or 3 nights outside the apartment and when she is here she participates in the party nights, she bates openly and frequently and she has sex with her bf semi-regularly. She might wind up the other girls, but for the RLC viewer she is the perfect tenant. To me the Nicole hate (and I'm not including you when using that word) feels like when people were bashing Stella, they were doing it because they had set themselves in a certain mindset against her despite the fact that she was doing everything that they wanted to see. And I wouldn't call that being 'shot down,' we just responded respectfully to your comment
  5. He's not talking about you mate, he's referring to those who said Nicole lied about her friend to get the larger bedroom...
  6. Seeing as they are in Barcelona, I hope they go out and enjoy themselves as much as possible, as any young person should in a new and exciting city. And we know that when she comes back to the apartment she puts on a better show than any other girl, so we're not being short-changed either Not that we'll ever agree on this
  7. I have no evidence to support this, but I don't think it will be a long UM today, maybe a few hours However I will not complain if it is a long UM, because then I can watch the Man City vs Spurs game later without distraction
  8. I don't think so, she did the same thing a few days ago, before her period had started. I think it is unrelated to her menstrual pains personally, but I do not have a better explanation
  9. I love that Irma rarely wears makeup, she is naturally beautiful. When a girl looks good without makeup you know you are going to wake up and stare into a beautiful face in the morning, instead of smeared eyeliner, blotchy skin and smudged lipstick
  10. I have definitely seen her crossing herself, so I'm confident that she is Orthodox, but it is not important either way. What is important is that she is Irma
  11. I doubt she is Muslim, she is not doing it at the correct time of day for Muslim prayer. Also she has never done this before. It seems to be related to her health, somehow
  12. Yes I remember that. We will have to wait and see, but we think this girl will only be there for a week or two so perhaps she is not official this time
  13. As she won't be an official resident I don't think it will go UM, it hasn't when other guests have stayed for a while (Dima for example)
  14. Jasmin was white (with some Indian blood I think,) you're probably thinking of Stella I would have either of them back in a heartbeat
  15. He was talking about Nora Yes Jess doesn't seem to worried, it could be something to do with the nose or it could be just Irma having some quiet time. She used to do her meditation quite a lot but not since she returned this time, perhaps it's just a moment of peace for her
  16. She did this the other day too, but with no water running and facing away from the taps. Very strange behaviour and it makes me sad as she hasn't been herself recently
  17. She may be real, and I do like her a lot, but she does wind the other girls up. She eats their food and drinks without asking. She never paid Michelle back for a taxi fare after M invited her to a party (they agreed to split the bill but Nicole reneged.) Her unique weirdness does make her fun to watch, but I imagine she is difficult to live with. It's fine being on the outside looking in. I agree that any hostility towards her from the night in B1 where she kept accidentally interrupting Nora and Kiko is ridiculous though
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