Anyone able to confirm if Zoya and Lev, are leaving?
I say leaving, as their apartment looks suspiciously empty... Zoya appears to be an Artist or Art Student- I remember seeing some great paintings/drawings in the apartment. Anyone know if these are for sale, either via RL or online?
Yummy, yummy, yum, yum, yum... That Leora, has one fine ass. Any chance of RL, having copies of it made in silicone- then we could all purchase one!! :D
I only wish that we could clone Leora, as she is so damned sexy!!
tits, ass, pussy, legs and face- all made in heaven
Paul, must be Russia's luckiest dude!
23:57hrs G.M.T., Lev is walking very purposefully round the lounge; conveying something of some importance, whilst Zoya sits topless.. Hmm?
I guess Lev, must be thinking over something super *frikkin* important, to be ignoring those nipples!!?
I think that the visitior is either sceaming for Lev's love, but to scared to try- owing to Zoya, or suspects that Lev's ability in the bedroom department, is on par with the probability of the Moon Landings, having been genuine..