This isn't a first time " I don't know what to do?" event. Everybody is back for an encore. What did Kust think was going to happen? Apparently the girls said join us.( sorry I went to play hockey and missed all of the after the bath stuff. If anyone wants to share a peek you can tease me with what I missed.) I doubt any of us watching this happen would ever say no? I mean just to be polite shouldn't you say "why sure ladies I will join you if you insist." Actually that fact that everyone was back at the apartment doing similar sexy things should have screaming "Lets not screw this up time." That doesn't even take into account that the girls are naked and having sex with each other. WTF
Two night ago she came home looking drunk. She made a couple cups of tea or soup and took a handful of pills. She took a shower and then got completely dressed and went back out.
They have stamina. I have counted at least 6 rounds of sex this weekend already. If they keep it up they will be "wearing out things that nobody wears"