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Everything posted by mikeof26

  1. Thanks. Kitek. For that information
  2. Your right everything. Was very weird and crazy last night but we are still trying to put things. Together. But I will say this alcohol was not a factor at all cuz they was still going for 5 hours. If it was alcohol. They would have been pass out a long time ago
  3. Okay let's see here Megan took a dildo from under her bed but she does not masturbate at all. Then start to fuck the three ladies in her bed to me this was all plan out a head of time. And also I do not believed alcohol did all that
  4. I'm confused right now so alcohol. Did all that were all the girls just started. To fuck each other. That makes no sense at all
  5. well danaya it's been fun so here a rose a hug and a kiss on the cheek from me to you I hope you have a safe trip back at home.
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