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Posts posted by alanohio

  1. 19 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    I believe the girls are using the boyfriend thing to lessen what is talked about them on CC.  Neither of these girls are dumb enough to believe they are going to find a boyfriend in the clubs that they visit, plus I believe D&A are escorts for an agency that Danaya's mother runs.  I don't want to get attacked for saying they are escorts either.  Escorts perform all types of jobs for clients....not just sex, from just being a date for someones function to just simply being there for conversations and to look good.  Of course they could also be used in sexual situations as well but that's not what I'm saying is the case with these two.  The night Danaya came home without her pantyhose, she sure made it a point in a conversation a couple of days later (probably after what she had read on here) so that if the conversation got translated she would be covering her ass in my opinion.  These girls go to some very provocative clubs (VERY) where they could do anything from strip shows to sexual acts.  They play (Danaya especially) the innocent card to the viewers of RLC very well.....a couple of the best I've ever seen on RLC.  Tonight is no different, they have gone out again because by now their names are out there and they are well sought after in my opinion.  If you notice, every time they go out they hit the liquid courage to loosen up so they can get their groove on instead of being so uptight.  I for one will be so glad when they are both gone from this apartment.  These are just my thoughts about their situation.

    I won't get into what these girls do or don't' do at the clubs. Whether they are looking for boyfriends, are escorts, or put on shows simply doesn't concern me. I will take issue, however, on whether these girls care what we think. I think it's natural for some, like Danaya, to read the posts on CC and elsewhere when they first get into the apartment to gauge whether they are being accepted or not. That's a basic human need. At this point in time, however, now that Adele and Danaya both are closing in on their visa expiration, I don't see why our opinion on anything is of any interest to them. Adele likely never cared, and Danaya is now into Adele's life so deep, I doubt she cares either. In effect, there is no way they can stay longer, so whatever they do (or don't) isn't going to change the game any more. As far as protecting themselves, I think that's a bogus position. How many times have you been on vacation and done something stupid - thinking no one here will ever see me again. That's pretty much where these girls are today. None of us are ever going to have an effect on their future life, so what we think of them simply doesn't matter.

    • Upvote 5
  2. 1 minute ago, TripX said:

    I'm assuming that I'm the old guy here. It seems that the only apartment to watch(for me) is this one, but on the other hand it's usually nobody home or they're sleeping. Now I've been watching these to since the other apartment and I'm definitely glad to seem them again. I think that we all would like to meet them but I know that it will never happen and I understand that completely and accept it. I personally come here to view the young ladies and admire from a far and if that is wrong then I don't want to be right.

    LOL, I wouldn't assume that at all TripX. I got a feeling there's a decent percentage of "old guys" here. And as far as being right or wrong, this would be wrong only if we were truly "peeking" in on someone's life - but the participants of RLC know they are being watched, and have control how much they want to show or not - thus we're just a paying audience. But, I know what you mean ;)

    • Upvote 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, mr1010 said:

    Thank you yury for the translations. But I think sometimes Danaya mocks us a bit. I am sure they read our posts at times. 

    She says she is a lesbian in english, knows we want to hear that.

    Mmmm, I know it's tempting to think that, but to tell you the truth - I doubt D&A care much about us at all. Especially Adele. Danaya might have read our posts and cared before Adele, but I think she is beyond caring at this point. Once you get close to your contract expiration, what we think really doesn't mean much any more.

    • Upvote 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, homersimpson95 said:

    same in france, but the problem is not rhe country, i think it is more the personn in clubs. the club are the club, everywhere in the world, so think we can find love or a good bf in a club is a dream. Club is good if you want to fuck, just for that...Danaya had perhaps undertand that, i sincerely hope for her.

    I think Danaya wants to be treated with a little respect and decency. She's found out that the club guys will only do that long enough to get fucked, then they will turn back into the 7th grade "guess who I fucked" boys they were before. For her, that is terribly disappointing. SHe really needs to find a boyfriend that actually likes her - and the sex is just a bonus.

    • Upvote 3
  5. After reading Yury's translation of the club scene a few days ago, Danaya needs a change, and will hopefully get it when Adele leaves. She is trying to compete in Adele's world for guys and these aren't the kind of guys she needs. Maybe if she starts keeping company with the younger girls, she will find herself again. She strikes me as a very sensitive girl, and needs someone who see's life the same way. I really do hope the best for her.

    • Upvote 6
  6. 4 minutes ago, homersimpson95 said:

    adele semble demander à Danaya de juste sortir de son lit, et d'arreter de regarder sa tablette : Adele a parfaitement raison, elle lui demande de réagir un peu.  Danaya semble savoir qu'Adele a raison mais elle semble pas avoir la force morale de le faire. On a beau dire ce qu'on veut sur Adele mais Adele est très gentille avec Danaya, elle l'emmene à ses soirées, lui fait rencontrer des gens, afin de lui changer les idées et l'obliger à quitter son lit. 

    Thank you

    • Upvote 1
  7. You know, I really love Dasha - her smile disarms me and I think she is beautiful. However, I think this couple has truly gotten tired of the exposure. Sex is always covered anymore - the only time we see naked is bath time. I don't really blame them - I think I would get tired of 24/7 exposure too after a while, but I do have to wonder why RLC keeps them on. Being one of the senior couples, maybe they are very close to the owners and get a "pass" on some of the things they do (or don't do) now.

    Not saying they should go, but curious how others feel about this apartment?

  8. 14 minutes ago, dana3 said:

    I agree with chill part alanohio but, when they sign up for this voyeur concept, this apartment, why do they do it?  If their purpose is to use the apartment as 'free rent' and, do whatever they want all day and/or all night long and not be part of the 'voyeur' experiment/concept, why sign up?

    Free rent. RLC can only tell the participants what they expect, and for the most part, that is "live your life as normal and don't cover the cams". Unlike some here who think otherwise, they don't script out their moments in the apartment. As a result, you will get persons who go about life as they always do, some have sex, some not so often. I'm sure one of the questions on the application is "Do you have a normal sex life?"

    And some, like our current residents, refuse to have sex in front of the cameras - so in order to keep RLC from harassing them, they masterbate (sometimes under the covers), play "touchy-feely" games, and walk around almost naked.

    RLC can't do anything about this because they are not porn producers.

    Thus we have a dilemma in this apartment at the moment - 4 girls who at most will get naked in the bath. Time will change the personalities, and hopefully change the action as well.

    Hang in there :)

    • Upvote 3
  9. As Benfold said, these are young girls who do have a life. Yes, they are getting free rent to occupy the apartment, but 3(or 4) girls occupying an apt isn't the same as a couple occupying an apartment.

    Having said that, these current personalities are not the TV-watching type - thus why they don't spend much time in the living room. They are a generation glued to their phones and iPads. Want to see a movie = iPad in the bedroom. Have you also noticed, whatever they are doing (including taking a bath) they jump immediately to their phones should it ring or beep from a text. The messaging on their phones is the prime reason they exist LOL.

    With all the angst we've had about Danaya and Adele, we should settle back and watch how this plays out. D&A have gotten friendlier with the other girls (in my opinion) because it's starting to settle in on them that their time is limited in the apartment. They are no longer Queens of the Hill - the "youngsters" are going to take over soon.

    My usual suggestion - Chill :)

    • Upvote 2
  10. So far, so good. All appears to be above board, and there's a lot of promise here - but I might wait a couple weeks before I get too supportive LOL. I do however like karel's name - he must be from the planet Krypton. Maybe a decendent of Jor-El (Kar-El) ???

    Superman aside, I do like the fact neither is shy of the camera, and he seems to be nice to her (which is everything in my book). And I always had a thing for redheads...

  11. Watching Kristy doing her exercises shows how committed she is to things. This is no 20 minutes (hurry up and get it done) exercise period. Slow, methodical movements - much the same she seems to approach other things in life. I don't know what she does for a job, but we've watched her study English - and also done that well.

    Beautiful, talented, intelligent, and funny. If I were to run into her in my 20s, there's no way I would let her get away :) LOL

    • Upvote 6
  12. 18 minutes ago, havingablast said:

    Speaking of posting, Alan, prostitution is legal in Spain, pimping and trafficking are illegal.

    If these girls are selling their goods ( I suspect they aren't ) then they are breaking no laws.

    Thank you havingablast, I didn't know that. In America, we have only one County in one State where it is legal, so it's a mindset here.

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