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Status Updates posted by Layne

  1. Will you celebrate your upcoming 10000th post? :)

    1. jabbath1987


      Haha actually I wouldnt recognize it when you did not say it. Thx for asking and for the interest my friend ?

    2. nack
  2. yeah, that's me, you were not mistaken

    1. Qwerty57


      good to see you back. What about your idea of having an appart with a cam? still want it?

    2. Layne


      yep. RLC are not responding since they have reviewed our resume, so as a fallback I applied for VHTV.

    3. Qwerty57


      yeah!!! That's great :)

  3. P. S. if you have any videos with me, pls send to my email [email protected]

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Layne


      definitely. that's why I love mirrors too.

    3. Qwerty57


      haha well unfortunatly I have never seen any videos with you :/

    4. ceilinna


      it's available on the net


  4. Hey.
    Since I joined CC, some of you asked me if I have any social profiles that you could follow. Yes, I do, but due to some restrictions and privacy issues I tend not to open them for everybody.
    But I have a fake VK account which contains absolutely no details about my or everyone else's personal data, so it's secure enough. You can find a link in my profile. "Send me a postcard, drop me a line".
    From now, I'm leaving CC. Sayonara.


    1. Qwerty57
    2. KrispyKritter


       Where are you going? Why are you going? How are you going to get there? When are you going to get there.....Who else knows where you are going.....?

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