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Everything posted by tredm

  1. other than in passing, i haven't really seen her in the last few weeks? For all I know, she could gone now! lol
  2. of course, if i read Ilona right, it won't be long. She'll suffer withdrawal symptoms after 2-3 minutes and 'have' to pick up at least one of the two...i.e., phone or tablet!
  3. If i was Irma, i'd give up on Ilona and find someone who appreciates my 'massage'...looking at her phone....give me a break!
  4. I OK... After you said that, I 'refreshed' the page and yep, there it was. Though I was losing it!
  5. Am i missing something? I just got up and am half awake but, why are the rooms listed as Irma's, Rita's and 'Guest' while Under Maintenance? Where's Ilona? Her name is still on the left side?
  6. I believe that would depend on your definition of 'classy'...? Like all of the girls here, many of 'classless' sometimes and 'classy' at other times, i.e., how classy was it for ilona to communicate with her computer 24/7 or, danaya to eat, sleep, exist for days on end in her bed in her room...etc. Just my opinion!
  7. three girls...three different rooms...hmmmm? When they do interact, they seem happy? very confusing but, that's why i stopped trying to figure women out a long, long time ago!
  8. Maybe Irma is starting/trying to break Vika out of her shell? If anyone can do it...it would be Irma...I'm so glad she's back. She's brought a 'little' life in to this apartment already!
  9. Anna...YES....Ilona?...only if she is limited to no more than 2 hours per day on her computer!? lol
  10. Irma back???? Do we know if it's the 'same' Irma? If so, the prayers of many have been answered!
  11. it's too bad that elisa doesn't seem interested in vika or rita...or vika doesn't seem too interested in rita or elisa...or rita doesn't seem too interested in elisa or vika... oh well
  12. There's girls that actually live in this apartment? lol... I only drop in from time to time now since i'm trying to break my addiction to this apartment but quite honestly, i've seen very few girls here and they are rarely interacting. Maybe i'm just missing the 'good times' but if my analysis is correct, this apartment for all practical purposes is DOA. Like i wrote the other day, i really expected (hoped) to see more interaction between Elisa and Rita but...once again...not much there.
  13. Just stopped by to say 'HI'...haven't been here much lately but looks like i haven't missed much! I thought things would 'grow' between elisa and rita but i guess i was wrong again. At least they don't completely ignore each other and seem friendly. Apartment appears to be 'empty' a lot...real lives i guess! have a nice day all!
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