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Everything posted by tredm

  1. I don't think anyone's jealous, nor do they think the girls are 'virginal'...I think they just question his 'role' in all this but, i'll let them speak for themselves.
  2. I can't even see but PLEASE...make him leave. The thought of him at barca 1 still disturbs me!; lol
  3. Super job cleaning the apartment Polya. Maybe your 'roommates' will appreciate it when/if they ever come back! In the meantime, you deserve a lot of credit.
  4. Anna not help Polya at all...doesn't seem to be the same Anna I remember from her first visit? Maybe 'new' RLC ownership...maybe 'new' anna?
  5. Polya finally got sick of apartment mess and decided to clean it up! Anna around but not much help!?
  6. There seems to be less energy tonight. Maybe it's because they don't take as many trips to the bathroom... Their bladder must be too full or something. hmmmmmm?
  7. I thought Barca 1 was the tease and barca2 was supposed to be the 'real thing'? Doesn't RLC have it backwards?
  8. it's really interesting to read all the comments. Since I can't really 'see', it helps but, I don't yet know if i'm glad or sad that I can't see this apartment?? Let me know if I 'really' miss something so I can be sad for a moment or two!? lol
  9. Euth63: That's ok...I can live without it based on what I saw last night. StnCld316: Agree except...the MASH reruns are good! lol
  10. Just had an idea... RLC planned... party at Barca 1, tease-tease-tease, move almost all barca 1 to barca 2 so those of us not signed up will join to watch barca 2? Not gonna work RLC! I'm 'LESS' likely to join now than I was before. Anyway, just a thought!
  11. I agree...plus, the acting wasn't that good except for lola and anna!
  12. I wouldn't be happy if my roommates left the apartment like this either...and, showed no desire to return and help clean it up!?
  13. belle awake...happy birthday bella...look what you're friends have left you? With friends like these..........
  14. In my opinion, he must be 'someone' with power or money because these girls, as beautiful as they are, could not have set their standards this low?! They could do SOOOOOO much better. I don't get it? Oh well....guess we just have to laugh!
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