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Everything posted by tredm

  1. lets see...both vika and boyfriend ignore elisa...maintenance occurs...vika with chocolates going out of way to be nice to elisa...yep...we're fooled RLC..Just my opinion but, i'm not buying it!
  2. Why did vika come here if all she wanted was to be with boyfriend? She could have just stayed home!
  3. I agree 100% with the paying members...they have a legitimate gripe. I was talking more about the introduction of semi-permanent boyfriends into the apartment...this apartment was unique...now, it's just like all the others..except elisa is being forced to be the 'odd' person out!
  4. personally, i don't care if Vika and boyfriend do go in the laundry room....i can't see them anyway as i'm not a member of RLC and, i don't care to see them fucking anyway. If i wanted that, there are a number of other apartments i can watch for free or pay to see that. This apartment was special because it 'was' all girl. RLC has ruined it by allowing boyfriend to visit at all. Maybe a one nighter would be ok but this is going on too long. This apartment 'was' special...now it's just another apartment only, more boring! RLC: Fix it before you lose more potential viewers like me! Just my opinion!
  5. Sorry Miscvoyeur...we all have a right to complain and/or whine. If you can not see this, i'm afraid you are part of the 'elite' group that somehow feels you have more of a right to whine than others. I simply disagree with you. My opinions in this forum, i hope, are as equally welcomed and respected as are yours.
  6. Kitek...i am a freeloader and sometimes i whine and sometimes i don't. You do realize that you come off as thinking you are 'better than the freeloaders" with such a statement...no? Please try to be a little kinder to those of us who have not decided, for what we think are good reasons, to join RLC. Just my opinion!
  7. I was kind of joking but it's a shame she feels she has to stay in her room. I know she does her own thing but with the 'lumberjack' there, it appears to be a little more difficult. Hope he leaves soon and hope RLC grows a brain! Their current policies on members posting pictures/videos and turning this room from a girl/girl/girl to girl/boy/girl does not appeal to this viewer...just my opinion!
  8. I can't quite figure out what RLC is trying to do to Elisa/vika apartment with introduction of vika boyfriend? For a night...ok but 2-3-4 days (or more)? For me, the introduction of her boyfriend has already killed whatever few decent vibes were here after danaya left. It was time for danaya to go, but if this goes on much longer, i'm gonna pray for danaya's return! Better yet, introduction of new girl...boyfriend go home!
  9. This looks like a normal evening to me...no one here! I miss seeing danaya laying in her bed? (lol)
  10. i kind of agree. i wish i could agree more. My only real difference is that i think Danaya was too easily influenced by ilona, adele and now vika. It seemed she could have gotten along with aida and elisa but chose to buddy up with the other girl in the apartment at the time. In my opinion, she needs to learn to lead and, lead by example. Other than that, i agree with you and also wish her well in life.
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