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Everything posted by tredm

  1. I wonder what danaya is going to do when adele leaves and aida is still there...perhaps with new friend who appreciates her? Just wondering!
  2. I jokingly said once before that RLC should make the upstairs cameras open and free (since not much happens up there anyway) and make the downstairs cameras premium....I wonder if the girls behaviors would change?
  3. Danaya back...report in to adele........... i'm still waiting for danaya to be mature, adult and fair to aida Aida still sit alone...isolated...shame on these two. She was 'never' really welcomed into the apartment by either... I wonder whatever happened to adele's 'designing' career...she had so many drawn pictures of clothes...?
  4. i don't mind the negative reputations but i would encourage whoever gave them (negative or positive) to become part of the process...write comments/opinions, etc. That's the whole idea of this forum.Have a nice day!
  5. Opps...i'm wrong. Danaya went to adele's room within 1 minute...she also looked kindof 'standoffish'' when aida was in her room...as if to suggest she was afraid adele might be looking. I'm guess all this from the thumbnails...could be my imagination! Hope she's not 'reporting' in!!!
  6. love aida's figure....she is a breath of fresh air to this apartment. I wish danaya would associate more with her to add some 'life' to the apartment. I know adele hates her which is another story but, that's adele's problem!
  7. Adele get up and takes food to dining room, i.e., bedroom to eat which is fine with me.. it's too bad danaya doesn't care to spend more time downstairs. I'd like to see more of her and aida but she wouldn't dare disappoint adele!
  8. I used to think adele was an intelligent young women but her constant 'giving in to adele' every time adele snaps her fingers is disturbing. If she doesn't learn to stand up to this back-stabbing control freak, she is not headed for a very enjoyable life...in my opinion...and, i've got enough years behind me to have seen this type of scenereo play out over and over again!
  9. look...queen adele snapped her fingers and danaya shows up! well trained! as anyone can tell...i'm REALLY tired of these two and their mean behaviors!
  10. very interesting...i looked at 'online users' at the top of the page and found very few of us willing to spend time in this room...i wonder why more people aren't interested? Could be the lack of activity and/or 'mean girl' tenents!
  11. i hope when adele leaves for good (soon?), aida finds a new friend and danaya gets to sit in her bedroom everyday with no one talking to her and the others talking behind her back....remember, what goes around, comes around...or as someone else said earlier, karma's a bitch!
  12. If true, how sad...how immature...Too bad danaya has to be part of a pair that gangs up on someone..as for adele, i wouldn't expect anything short of this from her!
  13. Just got here...looks like adele and danaya trained aida already...all three in rooms. Such a lively place...good job adele and danaya!
  14. already lost this one! I was also one of Adele's big fans and supporters when ilona and danaya blocked her out as well. What is wrong with this girl...(danaya)
  15. what happened...adele return to room...she give up? i'm confused...adele never gives up until danaya gives in???
  16. seems miss jealousy just can't leave danaya alone...also seems like danaya likes the attention! is it 'titty/feel time' yet?
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