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Everything posted by tredm

  1. Hope RLC is watching but, again, they most likely won't intervene...people hurting each other is good show.
  2. How mature! They must be very proud of themselves. They are really 'women of the world'! reminds me of the movie 'Mean Girls'
  3. new friends will arrive soon. Hopefully, real friends...not the kind that talk behind your back and laugh at you behind your back and play with your feelings.
  4. i was hoping adele would become more like danaya but seems like danaya has morphed into adele. If they are really laughing a Aida, both are evil. How very, very sad and childish. Grow up Danaya.
  5. I don't care about Adele any longer but am surprised that Danaya would purposely hurt Aida's feelings through ignoring, isolating, etc.
  6. In my opinion, at some point, Danaya will realize that adele is not her friend but is holding her back. Easy to see from this side. Hard to see when so close. I never would have thought that Adele could be so jealous.
  7. That's why i gave up on Danaya...childish behavior. I wouldn't have thought it but i'm not surprised. Danaya gonna get burned when you play with fire!
  8. Amazing...and i can't even see the rooms. I guess i 'could' write a script like this...Life experiences i guess.
  9. Lets see if i got the drama right: Based on the pictures/explanations, aida was iin danaya's bedroom and than adele barged in and interfered with the conversation. Hence, either Adele told Danaya to sleep in her bed so Aida and Danaya couldn't get together again OR Danaya (brainwashed by Adele) decided she BETTER sleep in adele's bed so she wouldn't get caught with Aida again....Phew...this is complex stuff!
  10. i don't know joejo...to suggest it's not real is to suggest it's scripted? No one could write a script this bad...could they?
  11. Thanks for the last set of pictures Euromike...a picture is worth a thousand words. Aida alone in room...Danaya and Adeld could care less!
  12. Maybe in the short run but...in the long run?? I'm not a member nor would i even consider it because of this. Watching children with their daily 'food fights' (when they're here) is not exactly what i have in mind when i think of a 'voyeur' site. Anyway, i do agree with you that they are unlikely to do anything for whatever reason.
  13. i know...it seems they don't want to intervene but in cases like this, it would seem reasonable to do something...To do nothing seems to be uncaring and irresponsible.
  14. Knowing the tension before Aida left, i'm really surprised RLC left adele in the apartment. It's so obvious who the root of the problems is. Bringing Aida back into this apartment with Adele there is downright cruel. Might make a good show but, still cruel.
  15. New apartment? Aida, Irma and anna??? I hope 'she' doesn't leave...i hope RLC gets rid of the other two.
  16. furthermore, when adele leaves, i hope the 'new' girls and aida get along and adele finds out what it feels like to be ignored, i.e., you get what you give....
  17. Well, that does it for me...i officially give up on danaya. If your not part of the solution to a problem (treatment of aida), you're part of the problem. I hope RLC is monitoring this forum and gets rid of these two and brings in 2 girls who are adult enough to know how to get along.
  18. Like i said...pathetic. While they isolate and ignore the new girl and degrade this apartment even further, they poke fun at us?
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