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Everything posted by tredm

  1. I don't blame her. I hope she has fun. At least for me, i know where the blame for her lonliness lies.
  2. gulp...so much for my intuition...i've always like danaya so it's difficult for me to find the guilt! my bad!
  3. probably not for us...but, we do get to watch them navigate the stairs, lie down and pass out. is it just me or does it seem like adele is really a bad, bad influence on danaya??? or, is danaya equally guilty!
  4. so true... it appears that adele demands...danaya does what adele wants.. I feel bad/sorry for danaya. she couldn't say no to ilona...now she can't say no to adele. very disappointing but, as i said before...we should be used to it by now.
  5. Is it aida's birthday? If so, the other two don't even come down to wish her happy birthday? Not even danaya??? If all this is true...(and i have no idea it is...just based on other's comments), this would very sad...very sad indeed!!
  6. If you are correct it would be further proof that there is a God!
  7. I'm not sure how to describe it other than adele leads and does what she wants with little or no regard for others and danaya follows cause she never learned to say 'no'!
  8. more than likely, you are correct. Why should they change their behavior now? I have come to expect nothing from them with regard to this apartment and, as a result, i have not been disappointed. What i am disappointed in is RLC.
  9. I agree. I was really hoping Adele would leave first...than Danaya if need be. What a shame if true. and, if true, those two should really be ashamed of themselves but, i doubt if they will...no conscious.
  10. Yes...they should remove the other two first...starting with adele. If that doesn't work, than remove danaya. why remove the only breath of fresh air since anna and irma??
  11. I assume the two absentee roommates are still gone. It appears neither are very considerate of Aida.. I certainly hope you are wrong about aida leaving...is she packing cloths in a suitcase? I don't have access upstairs.
  12. A special thanks to Aida for staying downstairs... Sure...as soon as I say this, she grabs her food and head upstairs....
  13. Yeah...RLC could rent smaller apartments without the living room, call the bedrooms 'living' rooms and save a lot of money. Just put the free cams in the hallways!?
  14. I've said it before and i'll say it again...I bet if RLC put the free cams upstairs and the premium cams downstairs, the girls in this apartment would spend more time downstairs!! They would probably discover they have a 'living room'...and, there is a reason they call it a 'living' room?!
  15. I agree and that's simply too bad. Sad to think that the only way to resolve this is for someone like Adele to leave. I'd really like to see them 'fix' their relationship but don't really know how deep the 'issues' are! Oh well...guess we have to wait and see!
  16. Good points Alanohio... I would be curious to know how many of those that comment here are actually paid members of RLC? If the girls spent as much time downstairs in the free cam area as they do upstairs in bed and/or out of the apartment all night (which has slowed down), many of us might see a reason to join! I would think RLC wants people to join...that is, as i understand it, the purpose of the free cams. This apartment has so much 'potential' which, in my opinion, is the reason for the complaining, moaning, and disappointment. Until it approaches that potential, there is little reason to fork over the money to view empty or inactive room. What i liked and attracted me to this room was Irma, Anna and Ilona. I saw relationshiips develop. I saw fun, activity, arguments, etc..., i.e., real life! Just a few thoughts!! Have a nice day!
  17. I keep hearing that adele will be leaving soon...is this true? If so, anyone know when? (educated guessing...)
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