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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. 1 hour ago, letsdothis said:

    The reason people use mab is not because it's easier or faster to use it.
    Most people use mab because the posted files remain available longer
    (3 days). With other host services, the files are deleted within a few hours,
    maybe a day, if we're lucky.

    You don't install an ad blocker to access sites that don't serve ads to
    their visitors. You use an ad blocker to access the sites that do serve
    ads. It isn't the poster's fault if a host service has ads and the poster
    can choose to use whichever host they want. As I said above, most
    people use mab because the files are not deleted as quickly, not
    because it's easier for one or two people to use the site.

    If you can't access or download files from sites with ads, then it falls
    on your shoulders that you can't access the site or download their files,
    not the person posting the files.

    While it may well be true that mab files remain current longer, the motivating factor for me is that I still find mab by far the EASIEST to use, as I never see any irritating things that I have to somehow overcome before getting started on a download, With mab, without fail, I find that every time the download starts, finishes and opens cleanly and clearly. It's a bonus that it remains current for longer, assuming that's correct.

    It's also by far the simplest for the technologically-challenged among us who are not computer fanatics with a need for discovery of complex things. Just as Windows was created to the annoyance of dos lovers to make life simpler for those who just wanted to get on and DO things, mab fulfils the needs of the very basic downloading person, who isn't interested in exploring options any further than is absolutely necessary.

    For everyone else who loves a challenge, there's Torrent and other perplexing options to fascinate and delight those of a more technical bent.

    • Like 2
  2. 33 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    How do you figure that out? When it is midnight in Prague it is anything from 5 to 7 hours ahead of America...For example it would be 6pm in New York or Miami, whereas midnight in Prague is 11pm in England, so seeing that much of her action is between 11 pm and 5 am in Prague I think the Americans have a distinct advantage over much of the rest of the world at the moment. Just my opinion.🤔

    Agree entirely. Unless by Americans he means Hawaiians?

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Kjeld Carlsen said:

    Lots of work Saturday and Sundy, arranging Nina's Birthday Show.
    Monday, 0730 Peter time, and Kira has had a quick breakfast and out the door to work, after three hours of sleep.
    Long Day- Home at 00:12

    I would be tired, too,  and I don't see where she is upset - just tired

    Video is speeded up factor 1.5


    Very touching scenes with Nina showing her love to Kira after her hard day. I thought at first it might have been a bereavement situation and hence the consoling attention being shown, but if it was merely exhaustion from a long working day it would have been even more pleasing,  

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, sturmchaser said:

    That IS a possibility I hadn't considered.  I mean damn, if that's the same watermelon from two weeks ago, it's been pumped full of HGH hybrid organic steroidal secret Russian longevity serum stuff.  A watermelon never lasts that long at my compound.  


    There's also a watermelon in one of the other apartments on this site. Forget which, but it's also sitting on the floor, in a living room in this case. Possibly a twin.

  5. Was there any audio on this? I downloaded the original poster's version but heard no audio. Could have been me, of course. Thanks for re-posting as an mab, wingtsun as the original took forever and had some spurious requests to allow things I would never permit, but still got the video anyway, just ultra slow.

  6. 1 hour ago, wingtsun said:

    Cela fait un mois et demi que je suis de nouveau sur RLC et j’ai capturé déjà 13 vidéo inédite de leora, par message certain me demande de leur passer en priver une vidéo je ne le ferait pas, après tout je ne connais pas les personne et j’ai pas envie de voir mes vidéos publier et me faire de nouveau bannir, donc si le logiciel qui supprime les filigrame existe et que c’est pas un fake, vous pouvais me le passer en message priver et là je posterai des vidéos de leora

    It's been a month and a half that I'm back on RLC and I have already captured 13 unpublished video of leora, by message some ask me to pass them by depriving a video I would not, after all I do not know the nobody and I do not want to see my videos published and banished again, so if the software that removes the filigram exists and it's not a fake, you could pass it to me in message deprive and there I will post leora's videos

    Wouldn't THAT be nice! Can't say I blame you.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, rado07 said:

    On your return, I heard twice that they were talking about Naples.

    just a thought
    3 or 4 weeks ago, a forum member said he saw Sasha & Dasha in Naples,
    did Eva visit an old friend?

    Sounds feasible. As for Nelly and Bogdan I'd love it to be possible but I'm not sure if they would want to prolong their public showings in a brief foreign environment as their life revolved around their apartment and certainly their kitchen/living room and losing that would have been a huge disappointment and the need to start again would be a priority. Not sure if the financial inducements would be enough to persuade them to have a brief adventure overseas but let's hope they do. Bogdan obviously had a good job and you'd have to say that, like Paul, he may be required to remain in Russia, in Paul's case perhaps due to military obligations and in Bogdan's his career.

    Let's hope for some visits from familiar friends, be they Lana, Nelly or Adeline, for instance.

    • Like 1
  8. As usual it's speculation and interpretation where Leora and many of the other tenants are concerned. 

    Feel sorry for Raul who put Leora on a pedestal and was felt let down when she went beyond the limits he'd set for her, without any real justification.

    If the relocation to Spain plan and exodus from Russia is a permanent move it would be a big surprise but can't see it happening without Paul and the dog.

    But even then I'm speculating too. Better to watch and understand.

    With boredom having more to do with Leora's changed routines than a cynical need for money, I'd suggest, I don't think Leora would do it if it becomes a chore, at least not for a prolonged period.

    We really should give her time to sort things out. I can't see her abandoning her dog or her partner, permanently. This looks like an experiment and the outcome remains up in the air.

    I prefer to wait and watch rather than losing my patience or affection for Leora. Give it time. No need for big gestures just yet.

    • Like 4
  9. 14 minutes ago, brian smith said:

    Right I have also like many on here have watched and really only Leora that I am interested in otherwise I would go straight to the place where you can chat to girl's that also masturbate probably like you said better than Leora...

    But I have seen her from when she did not like to even show her Slit properly let alone masturbate so it's because gradually over time she as got into it going from so called fake ones to in my opinion real ones..

    The funny thing is the later ones in Siberia she was into it that much and she started to look into the camera ...

    Earlier her using a Vibrator was unheard of but bit by bit she got more confident..

    What I'm saying is you would have had to be there perhaps from the start to feel like most do on here what they feel now...

    To see her Transform from what she was and how she is now...

    The only thing lacking and I know it's not Porn but if you were there as a director you would be spreading this and widening that..

    I know we could go to somewhere else and see a lot more but it's not her is it and that is maybe why everyone on here likes her and she turns them on..

    This time I do not apologize for my comments because it is what I think and dare I say some others may as well...


  10. 9 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Have seen a couple of clips sent by PM, and sadly I am convinced that Leora's stay is  going to be short.

    By her very nature she is a " nest builder " and personalises places she occupies, It seems she is barely living day to day out of a suitcase, unless I am not seeing the full picture.

    I would imagine RLC will pay her a retainer which will help pay for the new apartment her and Paul have moved into, on condition she appears for membership promoting as and when they need her. 

    I hope for everyone's benefit I am wrong, but I don't at the moment think I am.

    That sounds like a very plausible hypothesis. Living out of a suitcase in every way, literally and psychologically, with little chance to breathe familiar air or take in familiar sights. The first few weeks will be the hardest of course. There's a chance that we'll see the others turn up and help Leora feel more at home. But for now it's all a guessing game. Jimbo's interpretation seems as likely as anyone else's.


    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, denizenkane said:

    Just missed that there was two threads.

    Man that's quite the situation. I don't watch much these days and haven't been on camcaps in ages but a few years back I felt like I lived with those two sometimes. As soon as I saw here name on her own I came straight here to get the story. 

    Fair enough, too. so popular this woman that the thread multiplies so fast it becomes a long process to absorb it all as it gathers pace. Unfortunately. 

    A dot point summary every now and again to allow occasional visitors to catch up would be useful, but that's not going to happen!

    I know how quickly one can fall behind, like missing lessons at school due to sickness, so I feel your pain! 

  12. 2 hours ago, madwolf33 said:

    thanks this is my first video of her since they shut her cam down  about a week after the closed most of the cams down my computer died and lost over 500 videos of her. 

    Feel sorry for you. What a tragedy. Know the feeling. I lost all my files once when computer was dropped by someone else.

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