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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. No doubt Leora will use this time during her Aunt Flo's visit to look for a decent rug for the Guest Room and some covers for the sofa, knowing how often there's sticky patches appearing on them for no conceivable reason, unless the whole place has been Scotch-guarded of course!

    Shopping for 'nice things' as well as collecting lists of local providores. Without a dog to walk, Leora may even go to the gym in Prague, but if those eager tourist fans of hers are sniffing around she may well decide to stay home and 'lie low' for a while.  

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  2. 5 hours ago, AntoLoco13 said:

    that he had found his instagram we must look at these last publications; the good news is that she is not in a vacation apartment so it will be long, I think she is no longer with Paul otherwise she would be with him, maybe she was just using it for reallifecam and she has not liked it for years

    Most unlikely given what we all know about these two over the years. Just wait and see.

    • Like 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Rod001 said:

    Apparement elle dors sereinement comme un bébé pas de mouvement depuis plus d'une 1/2 c'est quelle ce sent bien, c'est agréable de la regarder dormir, perso je profite de l'instant présent et le fait qu'elle puisse se masturber n'est vraiment pas une priorité dans mon esprit, c'est de la revoir qui me fait vraiment plaisir.

    Apparently she sleep serenely like a baby no movement for more than a 1/2 is what feels good, it's nice to watch her sleep, I personally enjoy the moment and the fact that she can masturbating is really not a priority in my mind, it's to see her again that makes me really happy.

    Absolutely! Hope Leora enjoys her change of scenery, however brief it is. Probably she will be joined by Paul at some stage, even if it's visits rather than settling down there. There may be visa issues for one or both of them. Nice to see a different scenario and she's sure to be on skype a lot, or the Russian equivalent even though she has not found it difficult being home alone before, except the dog has kept her company and kept her safe, in her mind at least.

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  4. 25 minutes ago, fil37_fifi said:

    I think we should be afraid of the unfortunate excesses with respect to Leora if such information became public. I am sure she communicated - or even communicate - with some of us and these people take care not to betray his trust. That's why I have not much hope that we one day receive a sign from him.

    Not with me, more's the pity, but I certainly endorse your concerns. 

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Rod001 said:

    Mittsy Hello, thank you for sharing this other I will not fail to put a little comment when I have viewed  👍 👍

    PS: if she asks nicely (and then not if it requires at all) I am willing to put a total bear suit lol :angel:

    This guy's reaction is priceless! At least he can see the funny side and humours Carla, which is great.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Rod001 said:

    Mittsy Hello, thank you for sharing this other I will not fail to put a little comment when I have viewed  👍 👍

    PS: if she asks nicely (and then not if it requires at all) I am willing to put a total bear suit lol :angel:

    It looks like Elvis Presley knew what he was talking about when he said he wanted to be that girl's teddy bear in his song of the same name! 

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, 𝐹𝑜𝓍𝓎 said:

    Very generous of you! So did you ever hear from Anabel? Maybe just an Anabel imitator looking for a handout?

    I suspect they'll be fine but will return to being poor students for awhile, as many of us once were. :rolleyes:

    I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure they have many strings to their bow. They can always go back to busking to pay for their music lessons.....

    • Like 2
  8. 51 minutes ago, dogmycat said:


    The average person should consider themselves fortunate if at some time in their life they find a relationship that thoroughly satisfies their physical/sexual needs. The same must be said of finding that person that satisfies your emotional/mental needs. 


    From an old Man:

    Consider yourself fortunate if you have found both in the same person, you realize it, and have the intelligence to nurture that relationship as if it were the rare flower that it is.


    * I think that Leora has found either one or both with our beloved hero. Pablo.   (nose picking pendejo that he is)


    *Observing Leora since 2013 joined CC 4 years ago this Saturday. (proudly banned for life from RCL)

    I concur. A variation on the Shakespearean theme of better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. The physical/sexual needs are seldom met lifelong, hence the quote, but the emotional/mental needs are even trickier. I think most of us have tasted both at one stage or another, but few of us for a lifetime, or even a long time!

    • Like 8
  9. 3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Strangely enough SC I would find it quite amusing, if it wasn't so pitiful and hypocritical.. For years all of us put up with their ignorance and mostly sub standard service, especially from the RLC Support team. I am delighted I got out and got all my money back from Segpay immediately Leora left, ( RLC could learn a lesson on customer relations from this professional organisation )

    RLC just became a cash cow, relying on one superb girl, and a couple of other reasonable ones, with the rest of them two bit skanks, that could be found on any porn site for a fraction of the money probably.

    From my point of view, even if Leora was to come back tomorrow, I would not pay to see her again ( even without RLC's intervention ) I think on reflection the time was right for her to leave, at the peak of her wonderful career.....Typical showgirl...leave them wanting more. Better she went like that than as someone who kept performing out of habit and not love for the job.

    We never owned her, she was only lent, and now I wish her a long and happy life in whatever she chooses to do...She has given a great deal of pleasure to so many people....But now the parties over.   


    Very well said! Got to wonder how much longer she'd have been able to keep going before boredom set in and new challengers were then being sought.

    Leora was probably glad that the decision was made for her in the end, assuming she hasn't set herself up privately somehow, which seems unlikely.

    Can only wish all the best for her and for some of the others who we loved and enjoyed seeing such as Nelly and Eva in particular, in my case at any rate.

    • Like 7
  10. 1 hour ago, siltony said:

    Old recording of mine hope u like (2017-08-07)


    We will transfer your files easily, safely and rapidly from one place to another. You can send them directly to an email address or share files using a unique link.


    An exceptionally good one, thank you siltony! A mid-summer's release for Leora in every respect! :-))

    • Like 2
  11. 21 minutes ago, Aroel69 said:
    go to your account, click on the logo in the shape of a letter and that's it 😉

    A 'letter' may be confusing, as everyone has a letter of their name and he may think you mean that. It's an envelope-shape that he needs to click on. Sometimes instructions seem obvious to those sending them and less so to those receiving them.

  12. 34 minutes ago, SierraTM said:

    Damn i definitely learnt something new today, fxxking Spanish Fly flies faster than Mr Viagra LOL

    I suppose you are a ahem ahem... regular consumer....?? :biggrin:

    All good as long as you get the genuine article and not something being peddled by some snake oil salesman!  They are in Spain so they should be safe. They were drinking something which contained the additive, though, wondering what drink it was exactly.


  13. 12 minutes ago, itsonlyme said:

    you'd think that a little more enthusiasm would go into it ....... still boring 😞

    Must admit it was rather static and one-dimensional, but, hey! it's probably close to real life for many and for this guy he only seems to put himself out for his 'bits on the side'.

    His stay-at-home woman is probably grateful for the minimum he provides her with and does not appear to be asking for more or initiating anything new herself.

    Sometimes a man needs some encouragement before mixing things up a  bit. 

    • Like 1
  14. Being July Leora was planning to spend most of her time on the beach for the next month or so, but when RLC heard of this, they were most displeased. "We pay you to lie on the sofas, not the beach. We've had enough!" When the other Russian tenants heard about this they all decided to go out in sympathy, showing remarkable solidarity.

    Hence all Russian apartments were closed until further notice. Seriously, any explanation is possible; don't shoot the messenger!

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