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Posts posted by bubbleobillo

  1. 22 hours ago, moos54 said:

    we will see
    but how many have already said goodbye on the forum because they can no longer see their favorite girl for free?
    Someone who falls on RLC accidentally comes directly to Leora's apartment as it's first on the list, for years I guess Leora was one of the best selling points for members to take subscriptions so if RLC has spent this apartment in premium only, I guess it goes beyond the simple framework of forcing people to take a subscription
    I think there is a lot more reason to feel behind this, especially since RLC looks like it's premium only a lot of apartments
    There were B2 and R1 since they opened
    Since the beginning of this week, we have the following apartments
    Leora, Nina and Kira, B1, B3, B4, R2 and Asia and Hakeem
    That's a lot of change when there was little time RLC opened new free cams at Leora

    Could it be that when Lana was suddenly a free cam a few weeks ago and she was spending a lot more time on the couch touching herself that rlc were experimenting to see if she could replace Leora as the main lure? Possibly Leora has had enough and this was a necessary step? Or maybe Lana suggested it? The dropping of Nina and Kira who may also be on the way out could explain why they are no longer on free cams too. Thoughts?

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  2. 9 hours ago, Ash1 said:

    I'm not buying that.  I understand that when people are talking in a language that isn't their first language, that they can use the wrong words, but her English is pretty good and I doubt she's saying "you" if she really means "I", especially when she has no trouble using them correctly the rest of the time she's talking to him.

    More correctly it should be 'one' does this, 'one' does that but most people who speak English as their native tongue tend to think that's too formal or even too 'posh' so instead of 'one' they say 'you' and that isn't at all unusual.

    So, for instance, saying 'you wouldn't do that' is often substituted for the more correct or formal usage of 'one wouldn't do that'. It's just idiomatic or colloquial usage for many people communicating informally with one another in conversation.

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  3. 2 hours ago, gogism said:

    Hehe, think someone is playing with our nerves a bit. Not even the guest cam is now free... LOL


    Think someone decided recently to give Lana the extra free cam to see how she would get on and switch things around a bit with the free cams and then cut back n Leora to test the reaction. Experimenting perhaps?

    There's still Nelly and Eva when they get to do anything in those rooms, I suppose. And Adeline.  Sigh.

    • How did we conclude that Hakeem was Nigerian btw? He doesn't look especially African, more mixed race to me and similar to the girl he most recently brought home. Could they even be Canadian or West Indian, perhaps even from Trinidad or somewhere else in the Caribbean? They speak English there, too. 

    I haven't had a chance to hear him or any of his guests or original partner speaking clearly enough to decipher an accent. Any good reason why he is not an American himself, even?

  4. 16 minutes ago, JAHJAHAMAN said:

    You guys are wrong about them. They have sex with each other and other people. The reason for them sleeping separately is because they keep different schedules.   They are always over each other and they sex with each other every day

    A fair assessment I'd say. Makes perfect sense and there's no great rift evident between them that I can see.

  5. I think Leora's deep throating is getting better and more in the right rhythm than ever, these days.

    But you'd think she'd tie her hair back for the short time she's blowing him even if it's just with a rubber band as it must be irritating to keep brushing her hair aside every time she leans towards him. 

    A very nice interlude and wouldn't we want to be on the receiving end of THAT!

  6. 21 minutes ago, King Lear said:

    Merci beaucoup Xanadu, je suis arrivé juste à la fin


    21 minutes ago, King Lear said:

    Merci beaucoup Xanadu, je suis arrivé juste à la fin

    Amusing that Eva gets just as excited about this gift from Leora as she does during the times when Leora is pleasuring herself.

    The dog seems to pick up the scent of arousal very easily and knows when the intensity is about to reach boiling point, long before it actually does! 

    I suspect that Leora is just as aroused in the giving times as she is when giving it to herself. :-))

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  7. On 5/25/2019 at 3:35 PM, ILSTRONZO said:

    first of all, this is the magnet link:  


    as for instructions maybe this video will help

    FWIW: I'm seeing more than 150 peers and successful downloads. I'll keep seeding.

    good luck!

    Thanks for your hard work and as all of this was far too technical for my aging brain to understand I'm happy that another of our very generous friends has simplified it for us geriatrics and technophobes to enjoy. Brilliant work mate!

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  8. 3 minutes ago, rebliz said:

    I agree about Eva and so Martina but not about Leora it's thru she get no satisfaction with Paul in other hand she love to make her shows  

    I meant due to the lack of a suitable partner whose libido is matching hers, in the case of both of them, not the need for this self-help in itself.

    But Leora was always an exhibitionist in the home, though probably behaving completely differently when outside the apartment. So, yes, loving the attention from viewers is a big part of it, but I think if Paul was equal to her in sex drive she'd be happy enough to show herself constantly naked and enjoying good sex on camera with him a lot more often, rather than getting herself off for the camera.

    I think this has evolved over time, of necessity, not driven by her desire to masturbate for her fans especially, just driven by desire itself and the pleasing her fans has evolved over time and she's more than happy to oblige as it kills two birds with one stone; putting on a show and getting off.   

  9. 4 hours ago, ze81 said:

    Remember that rlc residents probably have some way to have access to site that most of us don't have,so much residents watch site,so must be an way for them.

    I distinctly remember a couple of years ago seeing Leora and Paul watching themselves on their own TV screen at home, watching a clip recorded from RLC of themselves in action together just the previous day.

    So it seems they DO have access, officially or otherwise, to the material we can see outside Russia. It may be that Paul is such a tech whiz that he can gain access to this while other tenants in other apartments can't as it's supposedly blocked or barred from them seeing by RLC themselves. I only really saw Leora and Paul watching themselves once, but I'm not as attentive as many other members are.

    Or perhaps they befriended a camcaps member and got them to send the video recording by private delivery online. Which would suggest they have access readily enough to camcaps, which I don't think has ever been in dispute.


  10. 4 hours ago, moreau said:

    Yesterday Eva has brought a friend for Sam the fuck ...... able to go tonight to get fucked outdoors 

    Seems like a pure bargaining mechanism to me, cynical as we may find it to be, but all the same maybe still driven by love for one another and their individual needs.

    Just another form of swinging, surely, when both partners consent and help one another fulfil their fantasies. It also looked like the girl was very happy with what was going on and it was not merely a selfless act to help her friend Eva.

    Maybe because she enjoys this, but doesn't trust any other men she doesn't know, the reassurance from Eva that Sam will take care of her needs safely would be a big factor in all of this as they are not complete strangers.

    And while it's a shame that we can't see what Eva is doing off site, we should be grateful that the girl at least is on the free cameras and within some limitations appears happy to be seen by us, even if not in close up like she would be, say, in the bedroom.

  11. 3 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    Plus, she can suck a dick and run a trout line LMAO......a Russian girl can survive

    Efim plays a double bass, not a cello. I imagine these two are music students or even members of a youth orchestra but they don't really seem to practise all that often so maybe they do a lot of that work off site? This playing by Anabel is for her own pleasure as much as anything, I think. Most musicians need to play more than one instrument and piano is often considered essential even if it's not fully mastered by the student. 

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  12. I'd assumed the large number of males at the sister's place was to protect her should the angry guy come by looking for her.

    If this is Real Life then the male and female members of the apartments are equally culpable overall for whatever misdeeds occur, but for reasons of, I presume, jealousy, most on this forum almost exclusively take the side of the girl whenever anything goes amiss.

    That's quite funny really as I can't believe RLC deliberately chose bad guys and good girls to live in each of the couples' apartments. There's only really a handful of guys in couples' rooms that members seem to have any time for, Bogdan is one and maybe Dick to some extent. Otherwise they are reviled and despised most of the time and should anything go wrong they are almost always seen as the perpetrators.

    That's Real Life I guess. Strangely most males stick together in 'real life' and males would mostly see things from their mate's side, not the mate's girl's.

    Oh it can surely only be envy of not being as lucky as Paul, Alberto, Efim, Marat, Smith etc that drives this resentment and lack of objectivity!



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  13. 21 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    I suppose there could be several answers to this question,this is my lighthearted evaluation of some of the possible reasons, for what its worth.... 1:  Is there a dire shortage of eligible men in Russia. 2: Although we think she is gorgeous and everything a woman should be, is she in reality when compared with other Russian women, just an average looking girl with no special assets? 3: He really is a nice guy who just has a few anti social habits.:dodgy:  4: She stays with him for a bet :biggrin: 5: A partnership of similar intellects, 6: They are part of a scientific experiment to study if opposites really do attract. 7: She sees him as a challenge. 8: She has a visual defect. 9: They volunteered for a project to ascertain how a young able bodied guy can be in the company of a drop dead gorgeous, sexually active love machine 24/7, and only shag it possibly once a week.... Or what I consider the probable answer.....She just loves the guy...and throughout history there have certainly been worse partnerships. 

    3, 5  and a little 7 I suspect, in her mind at least.

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