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Everything posted by meran

  1. Belle took the speaker with her. so they are definitely at some blokes place for the party for the rest of the day . They will come back take a shower and then get to their beds . Congratulations. You just paid the trip of some girls to Barcelona where they can also earn money from RLC and also from some others on the side. Of course by doing banking business. :))
  2. This is real life :) in real life they are not supposed to show nudity in front of cams where people are watching . Some viewers want real life :)) thats what they will get . real life outside the apartment and in front of cams nothing . If they have a party inside some idiots are complaining it's not real life :)
  3. Admins shall have a slap button with Like button so that we can use it for him. :)) Time for feature request
  4. hahaha. Two thumbs up for it Noldus. Thats exactly what I think when I see him posting . And we shall request a thumbs down or slap button for MrBox post
  5. not above anyone mate. everyone has his own opinion and likes but atleast dont cry and wine :). Its just a show and I dont expect more. Irma gives the best entertainment in those apartments no doubt.
  6. Hopefully and then will come all the cry babies calling it fake and cry on why it happened. Those idiots are never happy if nothing works and cry why it happened when something happens. Pay money to watch girls get nude and then complain why girls get nude when they get nude. Never understood whats wrong in their head. hide behind computer to watch this website with a hand in their pants thinking they are having voyeurism where they know that its all a show and participants know about cameras . Want real life but dont get real with themselves. Funny
  7. Without Irma there is no action. Just naked dance. There was never an action and there will be no action without Irma, Stella in B1
  8. When was the last time there was ever action from these girls other than the usual dance? Admit it . Without Irma there will be no action :)
  9. Whats wrong with it. There are many good looking girls with ugly grumpy guys. Its her choice. Why anyone has an issue as long. She is not married to people on the forum .
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