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Everything posted by meran

  1. Chill man . they are not getting hurt. They are entertainers and entertain people and sometime want to have fun for themselves. If you , me or anyone like it or not like it . this is our problem. They gave us a good show . guy is ugly ok but its not easy to find Brad Pit or Tom Cruise for you and others . Watch the girls and have fun . Its an entertainment website and thats what we get . Even if you dont like the guy just watching Irma and Stella moan was worth the money. And the last few minutes when Stella fingered Irma was worth it. It was a show and take it as a show.
  2. Whatever some people will nag and curse but it was worth the show . Good last few seconds when Stella went for Irma . There is a hope for Stella and Irma
  3. Of course one has to play safe. https://www.google.at/maps/place/Diagonal+Mar/@41.4111942,2.2189544,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1s-VsbjlFrjbIU%2FV91T9K-2n1I%2FAAAAAAAAW8Y%2FkybCvGUpssAYxEX-MQffJ2v052r-3W12ACJkC!2e4!3e12!6s%2F%2Flh4.googleusercontent.com%2F-VsbjlFrjbIU%2FV91T9K-2n1I%2FAAAAAAAAW8Y%2FkybCvGUpssAYxEX-MQffJ2v052r-3W12ACJkC%2Fs152-k-no%2F!7i5312!8i2988!4m5!3m4!1s0x12a4a357358e9543:0xd24295e8243bcbc0!8m2!3d41.409954!4d2.216642!6m1!1e1
  4. sorry but I don't understand why people are calling it real life when all participants know they are on cameras and still choose to show themselves on cams. In real life people don't perform in front of cameras . This is not real life and will never be . Anyway it's a matter of living in fantasy that we are watching real life This is pure entertainment and participants are there to entertain us. in real life girls will never take off clothes in front of cameras and will shut down cameras before changing clothes or as soon as they enter the apartment. In real life the whole RLC cameras shall go black at night , just before sex or shower . Are you ready for it ? nicole shut down the camera and everyone went crazy . now some idiots will start bashing me but I don't care as they are entitled to live in fools paradise . if you want to watch real life put cameras without the knowledge of participants and that would be illegals :)
  5. The person who shall leave is Nicole. She is hardly there. Not there for the project but just on her free holiday paid by RLC subscribers.
  6. For those who are looking for timeline 03:048:27 in the kitchen, goes next 4 seconds to hall and then to living room Best shot at 03:49:14 on cam 2 living room
  7. RLC cant pay them enough to live so Kami and Kristy has to go to those paid dates and visits and those so called modeling trips to earn enough to live, Not saying she is escorting so though this sounds like one. This is how they survive so even if we complain nothing is going to change. When they get settled they will leave RLC and live their normal life. People who think RLC is real life are living in dreams because in real life people dont live under cameras knowing there are people masturbating while watching them. RLC is a soft porn website with fake real life just like reality kings is hard corn reality porn website. Its good to imagine its real but in the end its not. they know they are being watch and people are paying to watch them roam around naked in the apartment and if people are paying and they dont get something they are going to complain . So let them complain and if you are happy on what you get stay happy . Everyone has a choice and everyone has a different sense of satisfaction for the amount of money they spent.
  8. So Nicole spend most of the day outside and now she is back to make sure there is an attendance. D just wrote her name in attendance and went out again.
  9. Danaya shall go back home as she clearly doesnt want to communicate with anyone. Both B1 and B2 are boring now as the girls mostly want to spend time outside. We are paying premium for their beds for nothing . Poor twins have each other at least to talk to . Angelina is bored too. They shall move Twins with Jess and Angelina at least and send other girls home as clearly for them RLC is not important. They are on their paid vacation in Barcelona
  10. I am not sure if I am the only one noticing belly of Danaya . Is she pregnant or its just too much food and sitting on the bed?
  11. I believe there is no premium support for premium members. RLC are bunch of idiots who think they can get away with anything . they treat their users like loosers.
  12. RLC charge so much money for premium but there is no premium support . who can just look into the problem and fix when needed.
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