if it has disappeared somewhere, this is spain
You are correct that this is Spain. She can't go to Russia to visit family or friends?? She is from Russia.
Any Pink is good Pink NB.
I never heard of the rest except AC/DC. And to my ears, that was pure noise and screaming.
I'll stick with my 16th-19th century classics and the pop/rock music of the 50's, 60's, 70's and early 80's.
I'm into Classic Rock. I do have an appreciation of all genres.
As for Pink Floyd, when I'm driving my car and I get somewhere and Pink Floyd is playing on the radio, I always wait for the song to finish before I get out of my car.
Love Pink Floyd.
Paul just got home. He pushed her back to the bedroom and onto the bed. She did not resist but does not want to be there.
She is getting a little louder with him. He is getting no where. Of course he is fully dressed humping her naked body.
I don't see how people can eat any of that crap myself. With all of the stories you read about ground up rodents, hair, bandaids and even human body parts, it's pretty gross to me.
Then when you walk into one of those places and see the 400 pound thing behind the counter with tats that you can barely see against the color of the skin and gold teeth that help Santa find his way, you gross out and leave. Unless you are just like them.
It all looks pretty in the ads, but it sure doesn't look like that when it's sitting in front of you. (insert puking emoticon here)
I had a burger once and it tasted funny. I asked what kind of meat it was. I was told it was not 100% beef. That was the last time I ate at Burger King, 1984.
I prefer my hamburgers either from Braum's or most bowling alley's. Bowling alley's somehow always has good burgers.
Know what you mean. I live in the Bible belt here in America.
My main problem is I had gray hair since my mid 20's. My mom had gray hair in her high school senior photo. It is mostly white now and I'm not even 50 yet.
What does he have to offer. Let's go through the list.
Cleans the house. No, she does that.
Cooks. No, she does that.
Does the laundry. No, she does that.
Satisfies her. No, can't keep it hard.
Satisfies her. No, doesn't like to eat down there.
Makes more money. No, she does that.
Organized. No.
A lazy bum that is a cheater. YES, he is this.
People have been saying that for months now. Don't hold your breath. And with the newest couple being all locked for free viewers, it wouldn't surprise me if they started doing that for ALL new couples coming in from this point forward.
I don't think it will be for ALL new couples but new houses. I expect at least 2 more from that time zone.
They may lock certain houses if improvements are made.