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Everything posted by Baker48

  1. 159 pages.! Been here a long time and still not tired of seeing her
  2. they are all ridiculous drunken parties
  3. I like her too. She so far seems to not be a nutjob like some of the others and not afraid to show what she has
  4. You missed the sex on the couch. Really? did you also miss the hand under the shirt fondellingthe left boob while they were watching the laptop. These two could entertain us in their own apartment.
  5. Seems like about a monthly group gathering. interesting it is mid week this time
  6. Had high hopes for this apt. He/she is a rehl turnoff
  7. it appears the bulge just appeared. looks to be they are up to something. Could be it fizzles out like most of the others have though I hope not
  8. Amazing night. Wish though it had gone just a bit further. something to entice us to continue watching and paying. They are good at that
  9. i don't remember any Nora masterbation talk or photo's from the old apt.
  10. Just shows how many Nora fans there are out there. It sure is different than the Nora of Apartment Past. 7 pages and counting
  11. This is an interesting site to view porn being made
  12. We get so used to our full access that when it goes down it takes us back to free cam days. Even though some complain about all sorts of issues, We are spoiled! Hopefully they will work it out soon. In the meantime we just have to have patience
  13. i saw the same viewing her in the shower. Very panicked look and the "what do I do now" look. Thought at first it could be a lost contact but then she was pressing on the bottom.
  14. Love this couple. A bit boring at times but they seem to get along as a well balanced couple. When they do have sex, it appears that it is almost always good for BOTH of them.
  15. Just like life. you never know what you are going to get until you get it. I start watching new apts with 0expectations and sometimes that is exactly what I get. Nothing. Even the everyday things here aren't interesting
  16. thumbs up on the thumbnails
  17. i hope its not the ghost of apartment past
  18. Be patient. Things are looking up for this apt
  19. This was a fantastic night. One of te best I can remember in the 18 months I have been here. Let's hope for more of this to come
  20. Will miss her singing and her facial expressions at orgasm. however, they have gotten boring of late. Fantastic when they moved in, great parties,,, Will hate to see them go, but always interested in replacements
  21. This couple actually seems to have a real relationship, though I ave been fooled before. Hope they stay around for a while
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