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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 7 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

    Well Nora and Nicole get on well, so thats a start, like many say the only reservations i have at the moment are if Kiko shows up.

    Remember Nora alway got along with the girls tell you crossed her or got on her bad side and that was it. I give Nicole about a week and then let see how there getting along

  2. 5 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    No she is back to to straighten these fueding girls out and put the Aphrodite in her place, and let her know not to screw with her project :biggrin: LOL OH boy is this going to good 

    Image result for animal house OH boy is this going to be good

    Remember Nora friend the big girls with all the tattoos the girl she call when Nora and rite had there fight. That Nora bodyguard and when Nora won't too clean house she call her

  3. If Nora move in Kiko permanently how many will watch this apt. You no the girls are not going to show nudity in the apt and they will stay gone a lot and if Michelle move in her male friend you no you not going to see no nudity in that apt. And to remind you to the people that don't sit here all day watching the girls apt when there a guy in the apt the girls won't even show no nudity in there bed room.

  4. If Nora is back and Michelle Move in her male friend in It going to be a fuck up day for Blue&Bonnie. Also what i said about the model. That all we had to come to the old apt when Nora was there.These girls are not like the girls we had over the past 6 month. The most of the model was very boring. So it really starting to look like RLC is going back to it original format and RLC is starting to bring back the old staff that work for RLC before the take over

  5. I been with RLC for over 4 years & RLC been on line 5 years & 9 month. I was watching when the first all girls apt came on line. Nora is a very bossy girl and after watching her for 2 years she is old news to me and i think this is not going to help this apt. I remember very well when Nora and Rite had that big fight and soon after Rite was gone from the apt for good. I remember well that a lot of girl did not like Nora. Also if it her then we my start seeing the model again that came to that apt in the past 

  6. Dam i can't believe some of you guys can't remember RLC news letter. When Nora left RLC sent out a news letter saying Nora would NEVER EVER be back again. If she is back then it very true that the owner that own 51% of the company is dead. The owner got rid of Nora because he was going to managed the girls apt. Nora was the one that started the girls apt and if she back thing must be bad in RLC. Will i did't like Kiko there and when he was there most of the girls stay gone a lot

  7. 27 minutes ago, vortios said:

    This I say without animating to offend to you ... but would like to know because you have arrived at that deduction?
    Nicole, she's been talking to a friend, no girlfriend. She, in fact, told the Spanish boy, on the first night they were talking about their ex-partners, and at no time did she say anything that she was with any other woman as a couple. So the word bride, in my humble opinion is wrong.
    I bet Nicole was with a boy, and I would not go very far wrong in my appreciation. I can not say as far as I know. But I can assure you that Nicole does not have a girl.

    @vortios That how we say it in the USA girlfriend. Nicole has a friend which is a girl and the translator for CC done said that her friend my be coming after Lima leave.

  8. 45 minutes ago, sulzer25059 said:

    She was getting ready before speaking to the woman she may have been family thatdid not know she had to be called Nicole, but then why have her on loud speaker ! she was also speaking to other people before that i think she spoke to her guy but i was not listening too carefully for the spanish.

    Nicole my have been talking to her girlfriend that supposed to take Lima place. My be she getting her ready by training her to say her name that RLC give her

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