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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

    See now I'm confused because often My Belle leaves her changing late but now Lara and she are just on the couch waiting for the right time to leave. I hope they do go out then I can relax for a few hours. Since I came back yesterday with Leora's alcohol fuelled sexy masked dance fest and then Kitty's kitty rounded off with My Belle's night of nudity I could do with a break.

    Lara all way wear a dress and that guy my be coming back to do photo of lima tonight. He left some of his photo stuff that he use to do photo shoot.

  2. You guys must have miss all this.First Carolina has been doing a lot of shopping.Usually when a girl do this much shopping she be leaving soon. Look at Lola on the last week matter of fact in the past few day she did i lot of shopping and now she gone and Carolina got her suitcase out. Next Jasmin did not take all her stuff back. She put some of her clothes in the closet so it look like Carolina leaving soon and Jasmin will move in


    3 minutes ago, dana3 said:

    Hi Blue...it it's really just a breaker, it should take about 5 minutes to replace...I've done this many times...not a big job but, I don't think it's a breaker...we'll see!

    Hello Yes it a breaker. Some keep overloading it  and they need a bigger amp . I no it take housekeep 3 hour to clean one bed room so no telling how long it  will take them. With all the girl there it could take them all day. LOL

    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Noldus said:

    0332 Belle went to HER OWN bed...

    The night vision is unplug. The same thing happen in the other apt  one. Either Rebecca unplug the power when she plug in PC in or Lola unplug it on purpose. This is a big no no. That why you have seen the drop chords that people alway ask about so this is why they have them now so this won't happen again

  5. 5 minutes ago, cacjc said:

    I hope not Bonnie but if people keep sending messages to RLC every time they see something they don't like or illegal then we won't see anything good.

    Sorry i stay out of this. There was over 1000 email about the strange behavior going on in the 2 apt. I did't care what they did. What ever they did make the apt fun and now look at it. It boring now

    • Upvote 2
  6. 5 minutes ago, cacjc said:

    I can go back to many messages from people that have said things 

    Every time something happens that's not right 

    Oh that's milena she must have done that

    Your translator i can't remember how to spell his name but he the one that told us about Milena going to the doctor and what they said downstair when he told Milena he fell in love with the first he met her

  7. Guy after Milena had sex with that guy remember she went to the doctor on Monday and after that visit to the doctor she been wear a tampon ever day. That why she all way wearing shorts. I seen her take out of the closet and go in the laundry room with it and she been off the rag 3 days before she went to the doctor. Also remember she told that guy she was lonely and the guy told her he was in love with her and after coming back from the doctor she has not been back to see him

  8. Well when Lola leave that it for the entertainment.Lola was behind all the sex game. She made sure there was light & candles & also she was the one that push down the sheet so we all could she Carolina eating Lola pussy. Rebecca don't have enough sense to no that the light is unplug in the bed room and she don't have enough sense to get the lamp and plug it in. If Lola was there she would done this all really. The only thing we are going to get now is to see Lima and Belle nude and that will be it

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  9. 5 minutes ago, cacjc said:

    Did you not see Jasmin play with Carolina tits. Carolina lifted her shirt and Jasmin was filling them good & did you not see Carolina put her hand on top of Jasmin pussy & keep it there for 30 min 

    I didn't see that part but i still find it hard to believe

    If they are more than friends they will show their true colour's sooner or later so we will find out

    Well hear some thing else Carolina was letting Jasmiin full her tits but after Jasmin left later on that night also Lola was trying to fill Carolina tits and Carolina  got up  and started doing thing around the apt. You are right time will till there true colors

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