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Posts posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. 2 minutes ago, longarm101 said:

    i understand that completely, and i agree that this may be the case for Lima (especially given her choice of dress) but milena has been wearing one all day when she hasnt been otherwise, and i think belle has been wearing one for a day or two when she hasnt been normally

    I goofed again sorry. I should have said that Lime just put a pad for the first time since she got there and Mileha has been wearing a tampon or a pad for 3 day and i never seen Belle a have a period since she been there so it could be her time. And also explain why some time a girls wear a pad when she not having a period

  2. 8 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

    Image result for policeman blowing whistle

    Everyone has the right to express their opinions and to be heard.

    Not everyone is going to share that same opinion and everyone has the right to express themselves in a Respectful Manner.

    Do not attack another Members Comments and/or Quotes just because you don't share the same Views.

    Also what these Girls do on the Outside of the Apartment is their own Business and should be left at that.

    The Topic is General Chat for This Apartment which means what goes on in the Apartment not on the Outside. 

    Any Derogatory Comments Will be Removed.



    Thank for telling me . I heard there was some new rule but i was not sure what then where

  3. 22:20 Milena & Lima left the apt. Milena took Belle contact case with her. My be making arrangement to go see a Fuck buddy. This is what i been trying to say. When they go out to have sex that mean all we going to get when they come home is the phone, TV ,Lap top & off to bed. These girls we have in both apt has commitment with the company that own RLC to do thing for them out side the apt this is why the sexual activity is going to slow down or all most stop in the girls apt. 

  4. 17:51 Belle left the apt 17:57 Lola Caroline & Setta has left the apt. It appears that Belle will meet the other girls also they my be gone 5 or 6 hour so you got a lot of time to kill and when they get back they are just going to chill. Apt 2 is a dead apt and there nothing going to happen in this apt tell L ,C & S leave for good. From what i learned there 2 owner and  each owner own one girls apt. So one owner want to make money and the other owner seem not to care if he make money

  5. 2 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

    Well now I wonder what this is about. Guess we'll just have to wait and see. I think I'd rather it just be Milena and Belle for at least another week to see what happens. But I don't have a say in it.:biggrin:

    Well they went UM right on time for a new girls to come in.This is there normally time. How long will it be depend if the girl don't get lost. Some of the girls are good at that. Also i like to say it was mention when contract has expire that a lot of couples would not get renew so S & H contract my have expire

  6. Just now, beaver67 said:

    hope they don't go to barc1- belle &  milena are having a good time, and B7B caro does not have a dildo, that I have seen, only stella, and lola a vibrator

    Did you see what she just put in her purse right when she was going out the door. Also did you see her doing cam. She was going some where else & doing cam work. You have miss a lot of thing. A guy that pick up Anna had brought a bag of stuff that belong to Carolina & i never seen her with this items in the apt or the bag she had the stuff in. Rlc new owner are into the sex trade and they do have a house in barcelona that the girls go to and do work out of. Hire a private investigator then you no what we no

  7. 1 minute ago, kris66 said:

    Are you guys for real? jesus!

    This is no joke. Lola is praying. It is a little hard to swallow with her being on RLC but that real life. It funny when people and put in prison for murder after they are in there for a while they turn to the good lord and ask forgiveness. I believe that what Lola is doing. I also Think Lola is getting ready to go do some thing she never did before and she is a little scared . It look like Lola and Carolina are going together not sure about Stella

  8. Very true.People now can get some sleep now.What people don't realize that the girls apt are starting to look like there going back in time to October 2014 when the all girls apt open. There are thing going on in RLC and the girls we had seem to be working under a new contract but when these girls left it look like they went back to the old contract. That means bra and panties and no more show and the girls are on there on. I can see this but i don't no if any one else can

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