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Everything posted by Blue&Bonnie

  1. Let try this again. Candy came home today with a new ORANGE SUITCASE. Don't no where she hid it. I don't see it at the moment but it there some where and it a big suitcase
  2. Hello Last night Michelle was pretending to cut the light back on. Did you see Michelle & Candy buzz some one in & did you she Michelle open the front door & say wait a min. The tech fuck up & cut the camera back on before he left. Also when Michelle open the door it sounded like 2 guys out there. Also before it went UM Candy had on black underwear & no bra & when it came back on Candy had on see through underwear & a top & Michelle also had on different underwear after coming back on line
  3. Yes Michelle is watching RLC on her PC. I think the most of us saw it pull up on her PC. She was able to get 6 screen at one time so the manager give her a special code to get into RLC with out having to pay for it and the site was set up different. I remember she was watching Kristy take a bath and she was watching apt 1
  4. I think you can forget Michelle doing any more cam show and i think you can forget Michelle showing much nudity now. It look like all 3 girls in apt 2 is going out. This is all that on there mind now not the paying viewer.
  5. I have talk to RLC management team about the heat in the apt. I told them they needed space heater with a fan on it so it could circulate the heat. I told them if they could not find a space heater with a fan on it in Barcelona they could order some space heater from Home Depot in the USA they do free shipping. Also i told them about the price. They range from 12 dollars to 100 dollars. I have 2 space heater in my home & it get so hot in the house we have to turn the off. The radiator heater are useless
  6. I have contact some one out side of RLC about the hot water. They contacted RLC and RLC told them that the hot water would be fix tomorrow. We well see.
  7. You remember when K & K came back from one of there trip they act like like M & C now. I think it was the trip when Kamila meet that guy. My be Michelle meet a guy and spent more time with him then Candy.
  8. It take 2 hour for Danaya to put on make up so she going to spend a lot of time in the blind spot in her bed room
  9. I bet you when Candy leave Adele will be the next girl that take her place. RLC has lost 9,000 customer in 3 month. RLC need to bring there sell up. You no Danaya she will recruit Michelle and they probably be going out a lot.Nicole is just like Polya. Nicole not going to stay much in the apt. She just need to take her stuff and move in with the guy.
  10. Hello I been talking to RLC a lot and i have ask them to take camera 5 the kitchen camera and put it out on the balcony. It would be nice to have all of you email RLC and request that they move camera 5 out on to the balcony and put up a skirting around the railing and put the camera below like they have in Anabel and Efim apt. They put a skirting around the balcony and put the camera below the skirting. Thank guys
  11. Ok guy i don't have time to look but try this web site and see if you can find Jessica. It a sister sex cam site to Rebecca sex cam site xcams and you my find Rebecca there also. It call (evelive.com ) good luck
  12. The girls put on a lot of make up so i think there going to come over and visit then all the girls will go out to a club
  13. If the girls go over to B2 where do you think they going to spend most of the night. On the balcony and if any thing happen it will happen on the balcony. So don't give much hope in this visit
  14. Candy unplug the night vision to plug her battery in to charge that go to her phone. Rebecca done the same thing
  15. Dam BBsq69 i guess i going to have to get up at 4:00 AM if i won't to she her take a bath. I was up at 6:00 AM and she was gone
  16. Michelle is unpacking 2 big bags of groceries in apt 2. So it look like she not going back two apt 1 no time soon. Well i had hope in her but not now. That apt is jinxed. I also notice that Michelle will show nudity around Belle but she won't show nudity around Sia or Jasmin or take a shower.
  17. It look like Jasmin my be leaving in a day or 2 for good. She took her receipt with her today and a few day ago she was getting them ready and it look like she was planning to start getting her thing ready.
  18. Her 90 days are up. Remember she was there when Megan was there then she went home and came back also last time she done the same thing she turn in her receipt then 2 day later she was gone
  19. It look like Rebecca will be leaving soon. She taking her receipt with her today to turn them in. Ever time a girl turn in her receipt they usually leave in a day or two.
  20. Lara all way wear a dress and that guy my be coming back to do photo of lima tonight. He left some of his photo stuff that he use to do photo shoot.
  21. Also last when Jasmin went to bed she lay there with no cover on her and open up her leg wide and rub along the side of her pussy for a few min she has a thick pad on so we need to keep a eye on her when she come of the rag which my be in 2 more day. It look like she my put on a show for use
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