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Everything posted by vortios

  1. He is simply playing a joke on you. Since he is as disappointed as the others.
  2. Take off your clothes, is not the goal of this game? Sometimes, I hesitated, really if it was, or it was just my imagination.
  3. Sometimes I have felt like this, after a computer session, and after hours, doing nothing, everything is summarized in turn off the light and sleep ... then ... you have one stupid face, you think , for that I've been waiting so many hours?
  4. It's funny, but we have two girls, Mal and Ana, who play to take off their clothes, when they have not done it, maybe it would be the time to start, but I do not think we'll see it. Surely the game ends before. And we have Serena with Mila, a girl who is worth a lot like Mila, who does not put obstacles so much that her clothes fall, as to play with other girls, and yet we have Serena which is almost the opposite case .. Then I wonder, why are they in bed so close together and for so long, if it is clear that this path does not lead to any way out?
  5. What should be the most normal, and in fact in other girls is something normal, becomes these girls, as a big step ... that would have to make the RLC think if this election has been correct.
  6. Another night in which nothing interesting happens to the viewer in the room of Mal and Ana. With good intentions, they talked about a massage, but maybe that's not even tonight.
  7. If I'm not well informed, until Alexa, has done in less time than the sum of what Mal and Ana have done.
  8. That these girls did half of what Adri does, if that would be great news, and see how little I ask ... But it is that they are not even capable of being naked in front of each other. And both are women ... weird thing.
  9. To think that these girls do things for nothing, is to be very simple in thought. If she or anybody else sets up a show alone, it's because for sure that a reward, she will be looking for. Although it is true, compared to the rest of her classmates, we must give Adri great applause. At least, it is not a real disappointment to see that nothing happens in the houses of Barcelona.
  10. The three topless girls? Desirable, but I think we're not going to see that, for now.
  11. Because Naomi, does not she show her powers to these girls? She has a nice body to show off?
  12. A visit from Mila to Adri, could help satisfy part of her frustration
  13. And what interest do you have, in which the girls, are not in the houses? The normal thing is that a client wants to see the girls, every night. The time they are out of the camera ... is time lost, from my point of view.
  14. And why do not they terminate the contract, and simply, bring a girl, that really is worth it? The atmosphere seems quite cold and with the girls in the main room, it does not seem that the atmosphere will improve much more ... So in conclusion, of 7 girls, with potential, we have a girl, who does everything with the couple ... Two more girls that seem to live in a world apart from the house ... and not that they are to show anything on camera ... And another girl, Serena, who although she is the one who has been in the house the longest, seems like a new arrival. He did not like to participate in the parties with the girls, as Darina or Adriana does, and although with Malina (a woman's heaven, she does not put obstacles to the parties, and does not put obstacles to undress for our enjoyment) in the end everything stayed in nothing.
  15. Call that, time of caresses, show your good heart. Aria, ran her hand over Naomi's chest, until she felt the edge of her bra, the other part was to see Naomi, almost without touching the skin of Aria, again and again, so from camera two, it seemed , which passed through the crotch, but in camera one, it was seen that it passed very far. And the new girl, I guess thinking ... "what the hell are you doing these two crazy" Of course, since they put it in style, K & K has certainly been used by girls, which really does not make much sense anymore.
  16. That should be the new modality of holidays, a vacation, to rest from the holidays ... LOL
  17. I have never seen badly that people learn a language, even if they are basic concepts, to be able to move on a day-to-day basis, out of the cameras, although, it is also true, that their world is English, or directly Russian ... They work with photographers who are from Eastern Europe, too, so the language, I do not think it's a barrier, at least, a while ago. As for the intelligence of the girls, I have not questioned either. As a rule, the vast majority of Western European girls are thinking about other things, studies, etc., which differentiates them from many of these girls who go through the cameras. But you know what they say, life and the stones of the road, they tend to spawn you or you sink. These girls, they must carry many kilometers on their backs, and sure, that many stories to tell, as young as they seem.
  18. Well, now, it seems that after many girls, some even take Spanish classes ... Culture, culture
  19. Perhaps, what the users of RLC want to see, it is a girl with good taste to paint that gives her embarrassment to show her breasts to her bed partner, and to do, does not do much more, well, now they take Spanish classes on the Tablet.
  20. So far, it was Sofie, who started any approach to Aria, what Naomi always seemed to be in second place, but now Sofie is no longer ... What will happen? The roles of these girls, should change, both Aria, and Naomi, but will go down that road?
  21. When stuck, they will only think that it is a non-slip solution, that in some occasions, and with older people, it is used in showers. LOL
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