Now this is some serious improvement. Sure it is expensive, but it is good if you enjoy seeing some rare stuff, For example I like watching women cleaning, bending, doing chores etc. This allows you to see just that moment that satisfies your rare artistiv desires and happens once a week. Is it enough for me, or will i become a member again? I do not know. In the past 2 years a lot of housewives post their cleaning or other routines from their lives on youtube and it is in high quality for free, so I do not know. Now they are not naked but my god some of those housewives are sexy as hell and most importantly they talk in English. The difference is that on rlc the women are sometimes naked, but a woman does not need to be naked to be sexy. So it is a tough decision. Maybe I will try it for one month and see how it works out.
I know one thing. I will certainly become a member when I see cameras in toilets. I mean it is a hypocrisy we cannot see the toilet. We can see couples fucking, nude, bending and everything but we cannot see them squatting. It is ridiculous.