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Everything posted by corboblanc

  1. 14 hours of talking on the bed, without sleeping, a world record!!!!
  2. Too bad about all that silicone, because she's a very pretty girl with a beautiful face. I find it funny and I appreciate it, even if this is not the case for the other participants.🙂
  3. what is certain is that the rooms occupied by guys are less rooms for girls.😔
  4. i prefer to see serafima naked than anthony or miron!!! if rllc had choices to make, it would rather be to bring in pretty girls rather than guys!!!😄
  5. this participation of Taylor leaves me speechless!!! I would never have believed that such a banal girl would become the center of attraction for all the girls, the honey on which all the bees come to rest, irresistibly attracted by the evil and bewitching charm of the bewitching lesbian!! !! maybe she uses an elixir like this?!!!! if I had been told that taylor would even succeed in making kristy sink into homosexuality, I would have taken the person for a madman!!!! kristy is therefore part of the multiple sex plans of the bewitcher, and so i wish her a good future in her new life as a lesbian, full of lesbian clubs filled with ugly girls with short hair, and if one day she wants a child, she will be able to ask for advice on PMA and sperm donors, from nina and kira!!!!
  6. tim, is this the guy who got his cock sucked by kimberly a few days ago?😆
  7. wow, but they are not naked yet???!!!!😲😂
  8. i didn't think that seeing the new homosexual kristy, with taylor would ruin my eve, but in fact, it would!!!!
  9. there are two kinds of girls on rlc, those who come out pretty clean, and those who come out covered in shit!!!! unfortunately, a large majority of subscribers love shit, they want sex, trash, the rest don't interest them!!!!
  10. yes absolutely!!! from the first days of elettra's arrival, I thought that all these anarchic guests came out of barcelona drug bars, were too numerous and that this put b4 in danger!!!!
  11. so here is kristy who discovers herself homosexual in 2022, definitively burying kristy from moscow!!!! weeks of harassment towards taylor, who has gone from ordinary girl to irresistible beauty queen, and the center of attraction, by the use of whatever spell or elixir, of all the girls she meets, to have the honor of becoming one of the new sex partners of the goddess taylor!!!!😕😩🤢
  12. yes, like the noises when they go to shit for example!!!!😆
  13. at least there is no russian boycott for rlc. on the other hand it is indeed the first time that a former rlc guest having participated in vhtv, is accepted by rlc!!!
  14. je ne vois aucune différence entre le comportement de karol et celui de martina...
  15. et puis beaucoup de gens payent aussi pour voir la vraie vie, et c'est ce que nous montre karol, en restant naturelle, sans en faire trop, normale, contrairement à beaucoup d'autres participantes qui ne sont là que pour se faire un maximum d'argent en un minimum de temps!!! en fait si on veux du porno et du hard, il y a des milliers de sites spécialisés et gratuits sur internet!!! ce n'est pas la vocation première de rlc.
  16. sorry to come out of my silence, but your comments are textbook cases!!! "There is only one rule, do what you want".😨 in fact this concept leads to chaos and anarchy. "Russia is the most homophobic country in Europe"🤨 sorry but fighting woke madness and wanting to preserve the values and laws of ancestral nature is not being homophobic, it's being sane!!! "Taylor is super modern"😩 sorry again but if being homosexual and trying to do anything that has a pussy is being modern for you, it's because woke degeneration has already hit you hard!!!! I know that in the United States, the woke dictatorship is essential in all areas, but here in Europe, people have not yet lost their minds.🖖
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