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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. I dont think lara is feeling well she was rubbing her stomach and rebecca went and got some meds for her to take , my guess is lara has some cramping going on
  2. I agree with this line of thought but belle said it best when she told rebecca that she needs to tell her friend more of the truth about the place (not all of it mind you just more of it) because as belle put it herself , "they dont need any more bashful girls there"
  3. Here is the great irony of people complaining about lack of content, It seems they all yearn for irma and ilona or danaya , Now correct me if im wrong here, but these girls were arguably among the more popular girls in recent times as evidenced by their names coming up repeatedly. Again correct me if i'm wrong but these girls never did a lesbian show nor did they have sex on cam, they only bated , and that was far from routine. So why are these girls so popular ??? They were up beat . they were fun loving , AND they were the masters of the tease. Thats it in a nutshell folks those girls knew how to keep our interest without going full on porno and we kept coming back for more and wish they would come back again. I have been very critical of Rebecca and Jasmine not because they arent going down on each other on a daily basis but as Jasmine herself put it they arent very interesting to watch. Rebecca and Belle gave us one of the best scenes in recent RLC history and no one can ever take that from them. But unfortunately as has been stated repeatedly that was a one time event and most likely will never be repeated. I think if the current girls were to take a page or two from the play book of irma, ilona, and danaya I have no doubt they would achieve equal if not surpass their levels of popularity.
  4. there are two lesbian apartments and they get it on routinely , several couples apartments who routinely have sex , and at least one couple who swing so theres plenty of variety on RLC to meet whatever tastes someone may have and i agree if RLC isnt meeting your needs by all means there is plenty of free porn out there (lord knows i've watched about 90% of it lol)
  5. No I dont think its a divide per se i think Jasmine came had an agenda which was to move to b-2 and set about doing it (the food thing is just a gut feeling but i have noticed lara has not eaten a thing there since that first night) and now I think becca wants her friend there instead of lara, plus if the translations are true becca is trying to convince jas to stay since jas has said she is thinking about leaving , i think the girls get along fine as far as that goes just a timing issue if nothing else
  6. yeah i saw that , but i still stand by my earlier belief , I dont think its that they dont like lara , I think has more to do with other issues : 1 jasmine has shown she has an issue about food and who buys it, i know it sounds silly but i think jasmine does not want Lara eating there if she hasnt bought food for there 2 Rebecca has said that she has a friend that she wants to come stay there once a spot opens up if Lara moves in theree will be no spot for beccas friend
  7. hhhmmm ???? I spoke about this earlier and caught a bunch of crap for it ...... I wonder if what I said is true ????
  8. I will never understand how anyone could ever hate on leora . She is probably the most uninhibited and giving person in the entire RLC project , plus she is smoking hot to boot.
  9. yeah he is like daniel so he is a little quick on the trigger. You have to get lucky and be johnny on the spot to see anything but kitty is not bashful
  10. i dont think they have been together very long, earlier she was having to show him what was what lol
  11. kami and kristy have been rooming together for so long they are closer to an old married couple than they are room mates as for sexual performance i think a lot depends on who they are doing it with the last couple i have seen did not seem very impressive
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