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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. high maintenance, getting by on their looks, using their looks to get away with rude behavior, kept women relying on others to support their lifestyle, and oddly usually very insecure about their looks and require a lot of ego stroking.....dont worry man i'll share some of the heat lol
  2. i agree she is great to look at but i have had her type and better, trust me when i tell you the headache is not worth the reward lol
  3. i think i understand what your saying. Other girls have had their boyfriends come to visit, and its like anything else sometimes its good and sometimes its bad. If a boyfriend comes it seems like you have a 50/50 chance that they will stay elsewhere till boyfriend leaves. As for parties, I think the one we saw was a one time freak of circumstance and will not be repeated any time soon. These apartments have been active for some time now and if you look back at previous tenants you will see its pretty rare for things like to happen if ever and those who do interact in that fashion usually know each other prior to arriving and already have a relationship of that nature together
  4. I have never ever said that i expected anything (sexual) to happen If I gave you that impression I apologize as that was not my intent. I agree that Jasmine is knockout gorgeous but i was over that the second or third time I saw her shower. I have always said that the lesbian party night was most likely a one off would not be repeated. I have always viewed RLC and this forum as grown up version of big brother. So its the interaction and the interpersonal stuff that keeps my attention (nudity and sexual activity are a bonus but never expected). So when all I see is everyone in their own rooms or spending all day staring at their phones I find myself yearning for a change (I realize the phone thing is a sign of the times and something I am trying to get used too). As for resentment of any of the girls here, I dont invest any personal feeling towards any of them beyond the entertainment value. As for Lara that whole thing yesterday just had an odd feeling to it, thats all I was trying to convey, but I still feel Jasmine and Rebecca have their own reasons for not wanting her there. As silly as it may sounds, food has proven to be a sore spot with Jasmine and I think Jasmine does not want Lara eating food she has not paid for and if that true those are her feelings and she is entitled to them, and Rebecca has already mentioned she has a friend she wants to come stay there when the next spot opens up. so I'm not pulling this stuff out of thin air. As for the party vibe I think Rebecca wants another go at belle and thats as far as that is going but belle is not down for it without the magic water (something she has also mentioned).
  5. I think Jasmine is a little two faced about the whole nudity thing. I think it was an excuse that suited her needs at the time she brought it up. I think her bf is the one who is truly pulling her strings and calling the shots about what she does and does not do.
  6. I think we are going to agree to disagree on this one. I dont see rebecca as being a leader of anything, I see her just as withdrawn as the others. I do see becca and jas conversing a lot one on one, what the tone and topic are to these discussions remains to be seen but by the tone of the translation neither girl seems interested in doing anything other than putting their time in to get paid. As for drugs, I havent heard or seen anything to indicate this as even being an option (i could be way wrong on this but i havent seen it since stella and lola left) I think belle is caught in the middle and you are right she does withdraw and she concedes to the others more often than not. Lara is an enigma but based on what i saw earlier and how she left to return to b-1 leaves me more questions than answers, but I am starting to have serious misgivings about jasmine in general. I wont flame on here anymore but PM me and i will go into further detail regarding some things.
  7. I for one will be glad to see jasmine leave, she hit the nail on the head when she said she is not very interesting, and rebecca's comments were very revealing, she is just marking time to get more money. I have said it from the start Rebecca coming back was not a good thing, nor is jasmines presence. Neither of these two are interested in any interaction with the others (sexual or otherwise). I feel they are purposely preventing Lara from gaining any kind of foothold in the apartment and until these two leave. the b-2 apartment will be about as exciting as watching ice melt.
  8. I hate to say it but rebecca and jasmine are a waste of time (eye candy only) Belle has demonstrated time and again she is down to party at least (sexual play debatable) . I am becoming more and more convinced that jasmine and rebecca are purposely squashing any attempts to get anything going at b-2. I am becoming more convinced that jas and becca do not want lara in the apartment.
  9. surely to god the girls did not tell lara she could not stay there, if they did thats fucked up cause two of them were themselves b-1 refugees. Just makes me wonder what required all of them to leave at the same time if not shopping?
  10. well maybe jasmine has had enough and is getting ready to leave. We know she has to replace the goodies she was planning to take home that milena ate , plus she had her passport out earlier.. Maybe just a short trip home like ilona did???
  11. well this little group seems to be split right down the middle jas/becca and belle/lara the second pair seems to show the most promise
  12. im thinking they are going to buy food and maybe booze, casual dress little to no make up and jasmine is carrying and empty backpack
  13. did jasmine put anything in that bag or did she just pull it out and hang it on the front door???
  14. jasmines phone must give off EMP that cause her hamstrings to tighten up .... every time she talks on the phone she curls up in a ball
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