It has also been brought up several times that what ever lima and milena are up too away from the apartment and sometimes bring back to the apartment has not sat well with jasmine and now it would seem lara but we will see how that plays out, last night may have just been a welcome party, the real telling thing will be if lara goes back today and packs a bag to return to b-2
Lara tried to talk to lima, and milena took off that morning at first light and was gone all day, I think lara was told ahead of time either by jasmine or belle what to expect
I think lara came to barca to spend time with her friends that se already knows, and she took the only space available which is at b-1, from the looks of it her sleeping arrangement might be part of the discussion this morning as she has no change of clothes with her
The USA would be a tough one as there is a hoard of home based cam models here. That may explain why they are located where they are as well. I also remembered after I posted this something about travel within the EU and that visa requirements may not be as strict as elsewhere. Cost may be the other factor since most of these folks seem to come from Ukraine and russia
Has anyone ever wondered why there arent other apartments in other parts of the world??? There are numerous party spots around the world that would be very attractive to potential tenants. Just curious while everyone is still sleeping.
it should be interesting to watch the next few days, the b-2 girls seemed very excepting of her and she seemed right at home and even participated well above and beyond jasmine. Of course final judgement will rest upon our usual high standards of nudity bating and other sexual activity ... lol
im no fan of lima or milena....but to be fair i dont think lara ever really intended to stay there as from what i understand she already knew belle and jasmine
I am going to give the girls a pass tonight and assume that becca told bf to take a flying fuck on a rolling donut and that shee and belle were in the mood to play but becca's monthly jammed things up so they are doing the best they are comfortable with