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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. not that the thought has not crossed my mind ...lol .... just not for that particular statement
  2. if these girls are all form Ukraine, dont they still provide state sponsored collage and the like??? If so they could all have fairly good paying jobs, although this seems unlikely but it is possible
  3. i agree and had that thought as well , I guess it all depends on the what type of work they do when not vacationing in spain. (and no Im not implying anything sexual)
  4. do you think it may just be a visa thing?? like when elisa tried to extend hers but there was the one day she had no visa so she had to leave briefly
  5. I think even the girls might be starting to realize just how boring this is, the looks on their faces say that even they are bored out of their minds
  6. if thats alcohol jasmine is drinking through a straw rumor has it that will get you messed up faster
  7. Im not sure RLC provides "direction" but belle did sort of touch on the point when becca mentioned her friend wanting to come to barca to see how it was , belle told her she needed to tell her friend the truth and that they did not need anymore bashful girls, you can read into that what you wish as it came from the translations .... i just thought it was an interesting comment
  8. it just occurred to me that if belle and rebecca by some miracle decide to have their way with jasmine ; as much lotion as jasmine uses , it would be like watching two girls trying to hold a greased pig , come to think of it that could be pretty hot
  9. true ... and i am hoping ... would it not be a first if that were to happen ... have one girl leave without another to take her place???
  10. This is OT but does it seem strange to anyone else that b-1 is still UM especially if there isnt going to be a new tenant moving in tonight ???
  11. well i will thank him for that, but given that europeans dont tend to get all that worked up about public displays of nudity like elsewhere in the world then its a small concession , could be his way of bragging "hey world look at what i get to play with and you dont....nanny nanny boo boo !!!"
  12. she certainly did , the thing i dont understand is why she was so seemingly hostile towards b-1, until yesterday when it looked like jasmine may have had some words with milena b-1 had actually been rather civil towards her .... or am i missing something ???
  13. i think with this current group of girls it would take some major force of nature to make anything happen, two have boyfriends at home pulling strings , and unfortunately even belle has seemed to loose interest here lately , so barring anything coming down from on high and flinging some major ju-ju on these girls to make them loose their minds in wanton lust....i think we are seeing what we are gonna get for the time being
  14. yes if jasmine has a boyfriend (which it looks like she does since she skypes someone several times a day) and he is the reason jasmine is so reserved then he must be evil .... lol
  15. right before caro left jas and caro were on the couch and caro had her head on jasmine's chest, and jas pulled her nipple out and nudged caro with it, on another occasion jas was in caro's bed when caro came jasmine threw her legs open like come and get it, so there is something there if nothing more than a sense of humor jas has shown she can loosen up (a little) but i fear she is controlled by evil boyfriend back home
  16. for action and activity belle all the way, but tits mcgee has the edge other wise just for the tits and that ass (but she has nothing else she is another caro zero substance)
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