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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. milena was heard yesterday saying she supposed to meet with some guy dont know what its about supposedly belle was supposed to go with her. so lets see what transpires with that
  2. lol i saw that too, basically stella is pacing like a caged animal looking worried, you are right every one else is in a good mood
  3. stella is still acting like she is worried about something, everyone else getting ready except her
  4. im not sure it was RLC that told her the first time, seems like if they had she would not be allowed to go back, either way she may be leaving mon as it is
  5. has anyone given any indication as to what happened yesterday and last night regarding UM and whatever was on that phone
  6. no nothing sexual just the 8 hour UM and then whatever they saw on the phone that freaked out stella and killed what little mood they had going, whatever they saw on the phone brought everything to a screeching halt
  7. i agree i spent last night reading the translations, and lola has more issues than i thought lol, i'm just hopingto find out what happened at b-2 yesterday and last night it was kinda weird
  8. a troop of circus midgets has entered b-1 and forced milena to dress like a kitten and lap up milk from a hairy ass crack .......... could that be Dima????
  9. Well it seems we are on the verge of yet another installment of "As the stomach Turns", in this installment we will examine these important questions. Is belle gone for good or will she join the triple B coalition (bossy bitches of barca-2) as a permanent member. Will Lima be outed for the bitch she really is? Will she grow a personality? Will Milena meet the mystery man for coffee with Belle? Does Milena actually have a soul or is she as some believe a fem-bot from a bad james bond movie? Will Lima and Milena ever touch themselves in an impure fashion again? Will they touch each other? Watch for the answers to these questions and more on today's episode of "As the stomach Turns" Brought to you by the makers of SPRUNT the cutting edge in feminine hygene sprays, and WOMB-BROOM personal contraception for those unwilling recipients of personal protein spills. Now back to our show.....
  10. thats who it was white i remember now cause she did nothing and i dont think sh even lasted 30 days did she......she was gone fast
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