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Everything posted by longarm101

  1. i first thought caroline was puking as well (kind of wonder if she might have a binge and purge issue) but the change in behavior was huge, and given their recent history any off cam activity will be viewed as suspect
  2. yeah b-1 was like a tomb, the only good thing that happened in b-2 as when stella fell and busted her ass
  3. I thought the same thing about caroline throwing up but when i joined the feed she looked to be wasted like she was about to pass out, off to the bathroom and poof she alive again and very animated. Plus during one of her trips to the bathroom i saw her messing with her nose and putting water up her nostrils, an old coke head trick to stop the burning when its cut with something nasty like baby laxative
  4. she has been doing that for a couple days now.....i think she is on a diet and doing some kind of cleanse that makes her go a lot
  5. If we are talking about b-2 they were once again doing bumps of "something" in the bathroom and the reaction and change in behavior was dramatic and obvious
  6. thats exactly what i think, i read the thread and a phone came in lola ran out to the balcony and UM ever since, stella and caroline were out at the time
  7. Belle had every right to be upset about the plate issue, milena totally over reacted, and if belle found out about the bating to her pics yes she has a right to be upset about that as well. BUT belle did make it abundantly clear that she did not want anything to do with b-1 so belle has to own her part in of this and must accept why lima and milena are acting as they are (no matter how childish it may be) this whole thing has been blown sooo far out of proportion that there is no turning back from it as it is now obviously clear that both sides feel they are without blame in the matter and refuse budge. Belle at least did try to speak to them when she got home was ignored. And speaking of the bating thing I have changed my position on this matter and now believe belle may know about it, as it is possible that these girls have access to the RLC feeds and can watch and listen to the other cams and in essence spy on the other apartments.
  8. this morning lima was on the bed with her talking and she got up to leave milena made her come back and pick this microscopic piece of lint off the sheet
  9. i notice nobody has put the living room back the way it was before ....... probably too scared to touch it
  10. i asked foamy but never got an answer ,,,, at least not that i saw does anyone know if tenants are officially assigned as head of the house or if they just take the role upon themselves
  11. oh damn went back to the feed and i was looking straight up lima's nose in ultra high def close up....scared the shit out of me
  12. if it makes you feel any better I contacted a voodoo witch doctor I know and he assures me that any one that disrespected belle would acquire a virulent case of snatch beetles, tit mites and butt cooties
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